3 Stress-Busting Snacks
Friday, February 27, 2009
Having a stressful day? Chill out with these three stress-busting snacks:
Blueberries. These tiny blue wonders are rich in antioxidants, nutrients that fight off free radicals and oxidative stress, which impedes your body’s functions. In fact, when it comes to battling free radicals, blueberries are one of the toughest fighters over most other fruits or vegetables. Reducing oxidative stress and free radical build-up is key to your long-term wellness.
Chicken Breast. The amino acid tryptophan has been scientifically proven to have a relaxing effect on the mind and the body. Snacking on foods high in tryptophan, such as sliced chicken breast, increases blood levels of the "relaxation" hormones serotonin and melatonin, and helps to take you to a tranquil, more restful place.
Broccoli. This tree-like veggie (and other green veggies) are rich in magnesium, a micronutrient that is known as the leading stress-busting mineral. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to high stress levels, so it's important that you get adequate amounts of this nutrient. If the idea of snacking on raw broccoli isn't particularly appealing, try dipping your green veggies in a very low-calorie snack dip for added flavor.
To your fat-loss success,
Friday, February 27, 2009
关键词1 生吃
关键词2 橄榄油
关键词3 低脂
关键词4 大蒜
地中海人无比热爱的大蒜,曾一度被称作“臭哄哄的玫瑰”,其实,它是一种不可思议的超级食品:含有12种不同的抗氧化成分,可以降低血压,促进血液循环; 它强大的抗菌、抗病毒功能,可以抵抗潜在致癌物的入侵,增强肝脏对致癌物的排出功能,降低将近一半患结肠癌和胃癌的概率。他们同样喜爱的洋葱,也含有丰富的硫化物,能帮助身体代谢致癌物质,对抗炎症。
关键词5 香料
地中海人很少吃红肉( 如牛肉、羊肉等),深海鱼类和家禽类是他们的主要肉食来源。
关键词1 生吃
关键词2 橄榄油
关键词3 低脂
关键词4 大蒜
地中海人无比热爱的大蒜,曾一度被称作“臭哄哄的玫瑰”,其实,它是一种不可思议的超级食品:含有12种不同的抗氧化成分,可以降低血压,促进血液循环; 它强大的抗菌、抗病毒功能,可以抵抗潜在致癌物的入侵,增强肝脏对致癌物的排出功能,降低将近一半患结肠癌和胃癌的概率。他们同样喜爱的洋葱,也含有丰富的硫化物,能帮助身体代谢致癌物质,对抗炎症。
关键词5 香料
地中海人很少吃红肉( 如牛肉、羊肉等),深海鱼类和家禽类是他们的主要肉食来源。
Monday, February 23, 2009
Gut Check: 10 Best & Worst Foods for Your Tummy
Gut Check: 10 Best & Worst Foods for Your Tummy
Friday, February 13, 2009
Gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea are common signs your digestive system is off-kilter. But did you know that brittle hair and low energy can also point to tummy troubles? Find out which foods will keep your gut clogged or moving. Plus, test your yogurt IQ with our quiz…
A healthy digestive system begins with a healthy diet. Eat the right stuff and you feel great. Eat the wrong stuff and you feel like a human garbage can.
"If you don't digest your food properly, your cells don't get what they need to function optimally," says Liz Lipski, Ph.D., a clinical dietitian and author of Digestive Wellness (McGraw-Hill).
The GI tract is also home to our most precious disease-fighting resource: the immune system.
"Two-thirds of the immune system is in the digestive tract," Lipski says. "There are more neurotransmitters in the GI than in the brain, and more nerve endings in the GI than in the spine," she adds.
Your digestive system is vital to your health and happiness. So how do you keep it working well? Start avoiding these 5 gut enemies:
5 Worst Foods for Your Gut
1. Red meatStudies show a direct link between red meat consumption and increased colorectal cancer risk. Red meat is typically high in saturated fat, and a high-saturated fat diet was tied to cancer of the small intestine, according to a 2008 Cancer Research study.
How to avoid it: Choose lean cuts of beef, lamb and pork. Eat more protein- and iron-rich legumes in place of red meat. Grill up a Portobello mushroom instead of a burger.
2. Processed meatLunch meats, hot dogs, sausages and other processed meats are packed with saturated fat, sodium and nitrates. Processed meats have been linked to colon cancer, possibly because they are cooked at high temperatures, which can increase carcinogens in the meat.
How to avoid it: Stick to fresh, lean cuts of meat and substitute other forms of protein (legumes and grains) when possible.
3. Hydrogenated oilsTrans fats, created when liquid oils are hydrogenated to become solid at room temperature, are not found in nature. They’re an inexpensive way to make fats shelf-stable, but the body pays a high price: They’re tough to digest and have been linked to many health problems, including increased bad (LDL) cholesterol, decreased good (HDL) cholesterol and colon cancer.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires trans fats to be labeled on food products. But the federal agency also allows manufacturers to claim zero trans fats if there are fewer than 0.5 grams per serving. Don't be fooled: If a food lists hydrogenated oils as an ingredient, it contains trans fats.
How to avoid it: Eat fresh, whole, natural foods and ditch the packaged, processed stuff.
4. GlutenAbout two million Americans suffer from gluten intolerance, says the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Gluten is a protein found in barley, rye, spelt, wheat and countless other foods such as processed meats, soy sauce, ice cream, cheese, cookies, pasta, ketchup, salad dressings and more.
Food sensitivities affect 10% to 20% of us, and can cause lots of digestive complaints (gas, cramping, bloating, heartburn, indigestion) and other symptoms, including chronic headaches, aching joints and muscles, depression, concentration, memory problems and poor energy levels, Lipski says.
How to avoid it: A gluten-free diet is the only solution; it’s a challenge but possible. Read Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy for more information.
5. LactoseAnother tummy troubler is lactose, the principal sugar found in milk. According to the NIH, lactose intolerance affects 30 to 50 million Americans. Avoiding raw milk will help, but you don't have to give up all dairy. Some lactose-intolerant people do fine with small amounts of milk.
How to avoid it: Drink lactose-free milk and eat cultured dairy products, like yogurt, instead. Cultured dairy products break down lactose. Aged cheeses (like cheddar and Swiss) have less lactose and may be easier to digest.
5 Best Foods for Your Gut1. Dietary fiber
Our Pick: PrunesFiber keeps things moving through your digestive system and out. Otherwise, your colon is stuck with toxins that can build up and cause major health problems. Your body then begins reabsorbing toxins, hormones and other substances.
"If you don’t have regular bowel movements, you are retaining wastes that your body has finished with," Lipski says. "It’s like not moving a stinky garbage bag out of your kitchen.”
A diet rich in fiber protects against colon cancer and cancers of the small intestine, according to a 2008 study in the journal Gastroenterology.
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are all rich in healthy fiber. But when it comes to staying regular, prunes, because of their mild laxative effect, is the go-to fruit. They're also a great source of energy, nutrition and disease-fighting phenolic compounds.
2. Probiotics
Our Pick: YogurtProbiotics are those "good bugs" you hear health nuts raving about. Why would anyone willingly eat bacteria?
Because our intestinal flora is made up of trillions of good bacteria that aid in digestion and promote immunity and health. In fact, four pounds of our body weight comes from the bacteria that live in the digestive tract.
The No. 1 probiotic food is yogurt. Yes, it's a dairy product – the bane of millions of lactose intolerant people – but eating yogurt helps calm digestive complaints. That's because yogurt contains live cultures, typically Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, that help lactose digestion.
When choosing a yogurt, make sure the cultures are listed as "live" or "active." Yogurts with added fiber are even better.
Steer clear of yogurts with a lot of sugar, which hurts digestive health because it feeds the bad bacteria in your digestive tract. Plain, unsweetened yogurt is best. Add some fiber-rich berries or honey, which has prebiotic properties, if you need to sweeten it up.
3. Prebiotics
Our Pick: LentilsWhat are prebiotics? They’re food for probiotics.
"Bacteria multiply very quickly but need food once they reach the intestines," Lipski says.
Prebiotics help good bacteria thrive while driving down the number of disease-producing bacteria trying to invade the digestive tract.
They also promote a more acidic intestinal environment, which helps the body absorb minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium.
Luckily, prebiotics are found in the foods we already eat. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin are two naturally occurring prebiotics found in many nutritious foods such as onions, garlic, leeks, legumes, bananas, asparagus, sunchokes (Jerusalem artichokes) and more.
Lentils, a legume, are a great natural source of prebiotics and dietary fiber. They're a good substitute for red meat because of their high protein and iron content. To help your body better use the iron in lentils, prepare them with a vitamin C-rich food such as tomatoes.
4. Gluten-free grains
Our Pick: QuinoaGluten – a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye – isn't necessarily bad for you. But it does cause tummy trouble for many people.
Because of genetics, about 30% of us poorly digest gluten-containing grains, Lipski says. But many people, regardless of family history, feel better when they stop eating them.
Expanding your grain repertoire is a good idea whether you are gluten intolerant or not. Quinoa (pronounced "keen-wah") is an excellent option. This gluten-free grain is a complete protein, meaning it provides all eight essential amino acids. It's also fiber-rich and bursting with minerals. It cooks up like rice (two parts water to one part grain) and adds a unique texture (chewy yet crispy) to side salads, casseroles, soups and more.
5. Fermented foods
Our Pick: Sourdough Sometimes your digestive system just needs a break. Fermented foods are the solution.
"Fermenting or culturing makes food more digestible by actually 'predigesting' it for you," Lipski says.
Fermenting also increases our absorption of the other nutrients in the food. Pickles, sauerkraut, kefir, miso, tempeh and real Japanese tamari or soy sauce are all easy-to-digest fermented foods.
Sourdough is a great pick because it's a fermented food and can sub in for wheat bread if you’re sensitive to gluten. Sourdough breads are often made with wheat flour, but the fermentation weakens the gluten. If you don't want wheat at all, many grocery stores offer 100% gluten-free sourdough.
Something to wash it all down...Don't forget the most essential "food" of all – water. Digestion can't occur without water, so be sure to drink eight 8-ounce glasses throughout the day.
For more information, check out our Digestive Health Center.What’s Your Yogurt IQ? Whether plain, topped with granola or fruit-laden, Americans enjoy their yogurt for breakfast, an afternoon snack, even dessert. But how much do you know about this versatile food? Take our yogurt quiz to find out.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea are common signs your digestive system is off-kilter. But did you know that brittle hair and low energy can also point to tummy troubles? Find out which foods will keep your gut clogged or moving. Plus, test your yogurt IQ with our quiz…
A healthy digestive system begins with a healthy diet. Eat the right stuff and you feel great. Eat the wrong stuff and you feel like a human garbage can.
"If you don't digest your food properly, your cells don't get what they need to function optimally," says Liz Lipski, Ph.D., a clinical dietitian and author of Digestive Wellness (McGraw-Hill).
The GI tract is also home to our most precious disease-fighting resource: the immune system.
"Two-thirds of the immune system is in the digestive tract," Lipski says. "There are more neurotransmitters in the GI than in the brain, and more nerve endings in the GI than in the spine," she adds.
Your digestive system is vital to your health and happiness. So how do you keep it working well? Start avoiding these 5 gut enemies:
5 Worst Foods for Your Gut
1. Red meatStudies show a direct link between red meat consumption and increased colorectal cancer risk. Red meat is typically high in saturated fat, and a high-saturated fat diet was tied to cancer of the small intestine, according to a 2008 Cancer Research study.
How to avoid it: Choose lean cuts of beef, lamb and pork. Eat more protein- and iron-rich legumes in place of red meat. Grill up a Portobello mushroom instead of a burger.
2. Processed meatLunch meats, hot dogs, sausages and other processed meats are packed with saturated fat, sodium and nitrates. Processed meats have been linked to colon cancer, possibly because they are cooked at high temperatures, which can increase carcinogens in the meat.
How to avoid it: Stick to fresh, lean cuts of meat and substitute other forms of protein (legumes and grains) when possible.
3. Hydrogenated oilsTrans fats, created when liquid oils are hydrogenated to become solid at room temperature, are not found in nature. They’re an inexpensive way to make fats shelf-stable, but the body pays a high price: They’re tough to digest and have been linked to many health problems, including increased bad (LDL) cholesterol, decreased good (HDL) cholesterol and colon cancer.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires trans fats to be labeled on food products. But the federal agency also allows manufacturers to claim zero trans fats if there are fewer than 0.5 grams per serving. Don't be fooled: If a food lists hydrogenated oils as an ingredient, it contains trans fats.
How to avoid it: Eat fresh, whole, natural foods and ditch the packaged, processed stuff.
4. GlutenAbout two million Americans suffer from gluten intolerance, says the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Gluten is a protein found in barley, rye, spelt, wheat and countless other foods such as processed meats, soy sauce, ice cream, cheese, cookies, pasta, ketchup, salad dressings and more.
Food sensitivities affect 10% to 20% of us, and can cause lots of digestive complaints (gas, cramping, bloating, heartburn, indigestion) and other symptoms, including chronic headaches, aching joints and muscles, depression, concentration, memory problems and poor energy levels, Lipski says.
How to avoid it: A gluten-free diet is the only solution; it’s a challenge but possible. Read Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy for more information.
5. LactoseAnother tummy troubler is lactose, the principal sugar found in milk. According to the NIH, lactose intolerance affects 30 to 50 million Americans. Avoiding raw milk will help, but you don't have to give up all dairy. Some lactose-intolerant people do fine with small amounts of milk.
How to avoid it: Drink lactose-free milk and eat cultured dairy products, like yogurt, instead. Cultured dairy products break down lactose. Aged cheeses (like cheddar and Swiss) have less lactose and may be easier to digest.
5 Best Foods for Your Gut1. Dietary fiber
Our Pick: PrunesFiber keeps things moving through your digestive system and out. Otherwise, your colon is stuck with toxins that can build up and cause major health problems. Your body then begins reabsorbing toxins, hormones and other substances.
"If you don’t have regular bowel movements, you are retaining wastes that your body has finished with," Lipski says. "It’s like not moving a stinky garbage bag out of your kitchen.”
A diet rich in fiber protects against colon cancer and cancers of the small intestine, according to a 2008 study in the journal Gastroenterology.
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are all rich in healthy fiber. But when it comes to staying regular, prunes, because of their mild laxative effect, is the go-to fruit. They're also a great source of energy, nutrition and disease-fighting phenolic compounds.
2. Probiotics
Our Pick: YogurtProbiotics are those "good bugs" you hear health nuts raving about. Why would anyone willingly eat bacteria?
Because our intestinal flora is made up of trillions of good bacteria that aid in digestion and promote immunity and health. In fact, four pounds of our body weight comes from the bacteria that live in the digestive tract.
The No. 1 probiotic food is yogurt. Yes, it's a dairy product – the bane of millions of lactose intolerant people – but eating yogurt helps calm digestive complaints. That's because yogurt contains live cultures, typically Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, that help lactose digestion.
When choosing a yogurt, make sure the cultures are listed as "live" or "active." Yogurts with added fiber are even better.
Steer clear of yogurts with a lot of sugar, which hurts digestive health because it feeds the bad bacteria in your digestive tract. Plain, unsweetened yogurt is best. Add some fiber-rich berries or honey, which has prebiotic properties, if you need to sweeten it up.
3. Prebiotics
Our Pick: LentilsWhat are prebiotics? They’re food for probiotics.
"Bacteria multiply very quickly but need food once they reach the intestines," Lipski says.
Prebiotics help good bacteria thrive while driving down the number of disease-producing bacteria trying to invade the digestive tract.
They also promote a more acidic intestinal environment, which helps the body absorb minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium.
Luckily, prebiotics are found in the foods we already eat. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin are two naturally occurring prebiotics found in many nutritious foods such as onions, garlic, leeks, legumes, bananas, asparagus, sunchokes (Jerusalem artichokes) and more.
Lentils, a legume, are a great natural source of prebiotics and dietary fiber. They're a good substitute for red meat because of their high protein and iron content. To help your body better use the iron in lentils, prepare them with a vitamin C-rich food such as tomatoes.
4. Gluten-free grains
Our Pick: QuinoaGluten – a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye – isn't necessarily bad for you. But it does cause tummy trouble for many people.
Because of genetics, about 30% of us poorly digest gluten-containing grains, Lipski says. But many people, regardless of family history, feel better when they stop eating them.
Expanding your grain repertoire is a good idea whether you are gluten intolerant or not. Quinoa (pronounced "keen-wah") is an excellent option. This gluten-free grain is a complete protein, meaning it provides all eight essential amino acids. It's also fiber-rich and bursting with minerals. It cooks up like rice (two parts water to one part grain) and adds a unique texture (chewy yet crispy) to side salads, casseroles, soups and more.
5. Fermented foods
Our Pick: Sourdough Sometimes your digestive system just needs a break. Fermented foods are the solution.
"Fermenting or culturing makes food more digestible by actually 'predigesting' it for you," Lipski says.
Fermenting also increases our absorption of the other nutrients in the food. Pickles, sauerkraut, kefir, miso, tempeh and real Japanese tamari or soy sauce are all easy-to-digest fermented foods.
Sourdough is a great pick because it's a fermented food and can sub in for wheat bread if you’re sensitive to gluten. Sourdough breads are often made with wheat flour, but the fermentation weakens the gluten. If you don't want wheat at all, many grocery stores offer 100% gluten-free sourdough.
Something to wash it all down...Don't forget the most essential "food" of all – water. Digestion can't occur without water, so be sure to drink eight 8-ounce glasses throughout the day.
For more information, check out our Digestive Health Center.What’s Your Yogurt IQ? Whether plain, topped with granola or fruit-laden, Americans enjoy their yogurt for breakfast, an afternoon snack, even dessert. But how much do you know about this versatile food? Take our yogurt quiz to find out.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
How to Stop Memory Loss
How to Stop Memory Loss
Saturday, February 21, 2009
You’ve lost your car keys. But it hardly matters since you can’t remember where you parked the car. Some memory loss is normal. But how do you know when something more serious is going on? Read on to find out…
We all want to have instant recall. The sad truth? Once we pass our mid-20s, memory slowly declines.
By our 50s, we start to misplace things, forget appointments, and never mind trying to learn new names. Lists are essential, and we just get better at faking it at meetings.
But what leads to memory loss? And what can we do to safeguard our brains?
Health conditions. Strokes, infections, brain tumors and hormonal disorders like overactive or underactive thyroid can bring on dementia. HIV, tuberculosis, syphilis (in its later stages), herpes and bacterial meningitis can also have a profound effect on thinking and memory.
Vitamin deficiency. Run short on certain vitamins, such as B1 (thamine), B12 and folate, and recall declines as well.
Drugs. These include sedatives, sleeping pills, over-the-counter antihistamines (including many cold remedies), antidepressants and prescription painkillers. Illicit drugs such as Ecstasy can permanently impair memory.
Head injury. Blows to the brain, even mild concussions, have an impact. As boxer Mohammed Ali sadly learned, repeated whacks to the head trigger dementia and lead to Parkinson’s disease.
Alcoholism. Alcoholics eventually deplete thiamine, a B vitamin.
Stress and depression. Prolonged stress, often accompanied by interrupted sleep and a preoccupation with problems.Depression can disrupt focus and responsiveness.
These steps can help keep your brain sharp:
Lower your cholesterol and blood pressure. Both may lead to narrowing of the arteries, lessening blood flow. Less blood to the brain means your memory will suffer. Raising your HDL, or good cholesterol, may stave off the problem as well. In a British study of 3,700 people, those with low levels of HDL had a 53% greater risk of memory loss than those with the highest levels.
Exercise body and brain. Exercise is great for the brain, increasing blood flow and oxygen, and stimulating the growth of new neurons to keep you smart. Exercising your mind is key, too: stimulating puzzles, games and reading helps you stay sharp.
Skip the chips. A healthy diet including lots of green leafy vegetables and fish is a boon to your memory. According to an Italian study, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish, as well as flaxseed, walnuts and soybeans, improve concentration. And green leafy vegetables contain lots of vitamin B (which prevents strokes that can lead to dementia).
Quit smoking. When British researchers tested middle-aged smokers and nonsmokers, they found that smokers had the worst scores on tests measuring memory and other brainy tasks.
Raise a glass. One alcoholic drink a day appears to be healthy for the brain and heart. In fact, one study indicated that people with dementia who had a drink daily had a slower decline than those who drank nothing. But drinking more than 14 drinks a week may raise the risk.
Party on. Have fun with your friends, sign up for new activities, gab on the phone and head to gatherings you enjoy. A University of Michigan study found that just talking to someone for 10 minutes improved memory and intellect on tests shortly afterward.
Unwind. People with higher levels of stress hormones have poorer memory than those with normal levels. So when you feel a stressful moment coming on, try this instant relaxation exercise: Shut your eyes, breathe in deeply through your nose and blow out through your mouth. Repeat at least five times, and you’ll be sure to find your car – and your keys – later.
But how can you tell if it’s a minor memory problem or a serious condition?
Dementia – often called senility – slowly progresses with old age, first eroding memory, attention, language and problem solving. More than five million Americans live with dementia, and two-thirds of them have Alzheimer’s disease, which is a branch of dementia.
Alzheimer’s is more common in women (more than half the cases) than men. Although most dementias strike later in life, Alzheimer’s can hit in the 40s as a slow, steady loss of brain cells. As the disease progresses, patients lose control of their bladders and bowels, and develop severe mood swings. They live about four to six years after diagnosis. Click here for more Alzheimer’s information.
Diagnosing the Brain’s DeclineA neurologist diagnoses Alzheimer’s through memory tests that confirm dementia and by ruling out other causes, such as strokes and tumors.
Ask these questions to gauge how serious the condition is:
How frequent are the memory lapses? Occasional forgetfulness is not unusual. But frequently forgetting where the car is or when appointments are may be a sign of severe dementia or Alzheimer’s.
Do the memory lapses interfere with day-to-day life? Failing to eat meals, manage personal hygiene, clean clothes or remember regular routes are not normal, and may indicate severe dementia.
Does the person sound like a broken record? Frequent repetition of the same information or questions is a red flag. So are forgetting familiar things such as a friend’s or relative’s name.
Does the person seem confused? Henry Fonda’s character in On Golden Pond lost his way, panicking in a familiar place. Like the movie character, a person with dementia may have trouble following a conversation, lose his place in a game or forget how he arrived at a new spot.
Is the memory loss progressive and disproportionate to that person’s age? If the progression is relentless and the person seems much less functional than her peers, she may have Alzheimer’s.
Talk to your doctor if you think you’re experiencing memory loss.
Could You Be Depressed?Depression affects 20 million people a year, compromising their ability to function normally. Find out if you're just blue or if you might be clinically depressed.
The information contained on www.lifescript.com (the "Site") is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice from your doctor or healthcare professional. This information should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical condition. Information and statements provided by the site about dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. LifeScript does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, third-party products, procedures, opinions, or other information mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by LifeScript is solely at your own risk.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
You’ve lost your car keys. But it hardly matters since you can’t remember where you parked the car. Some memory loss is normal. But how do you know when something more serious is going on? Read on to find out…
We all want to have instant recall. The sad truth? Once we pass our mid-20s, memory slowly declines.
By our 50s, we start to misplace things, forget appointments, and never mind trying to learn new names. Lists are essential, and we just get better at faking it at meetings.
But what leads to memory loss? And what can we do to safeguard our brains?
Health conditions. Strokes, infections, brain tumors and hormonal disorders like overactive or underactive thyroid can bring on dementia. HIV, tuberculosis, syphilis (in its later stages), herpes and bacterial meningitis can also have a profound effect on thinking and memory.
Vitamin deficiency. Run short on certain vitamins, such as B1 (thamine), B12 and folate, and recall declines as well.
Drugs. These include sedatives, sleeping pills, over-the-counter antihistamines (including many cold remedies), antidepressants and prescription painkillers. Illicit drugs such as Ecstasy can permanently impair memory.
Head injury. Blows to the brain, even mild concussions, have an impact. As boxer Mohammed Ali sadly learned, repeated whacks to the head trigger dementia and lead to Parkinson’s disease.
Alcoholism. Alcoholics eventually deplete thiamine, a B vitamin.
Stress and depression. Prolonged stress, often accompanied by interrupted sleep and a preoccupation with problems.Depression can disrupt focus and responsiveness.
These steps can help keep your brain sharp:
Lower your cholesterol and blood pressure. Both may lead to narrowing of the arteries, lessening blood flow. Less blood to the brain means your memory will suffer. Raising your HDL, or good cholesterol, may stave off the problem as well. In a British study of 3,700 people, those with low levels of HDL had a 53% greater risk of memory loss than those with the highest levels.
Exercise body and brain. Exercise is great for the brain, increasing blood flow and oxygen, and stimulating the growth of new neurons to keep you smart. Exercising your mind is key, too: stimulating puzzles, games and reading helps you stay sharp.
Skip the chips. A healthy diet including lots of green leafy vegetables and fish is a boon to your memory. According to an Italian study, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish, as well as flaxseed, walnuts and soybeans, improve concentration. And green leafy vegetables contain lots of vitamin B (which prevents strokes that can lead to dementia).
Quit smoking. When British researchers tested middle-aged smokers and nonsmokers, they found that smokers had the worst scores on tests measuring memory and other brainy tasks.
Raise a glass. One alcoholic drink a day appears to be healthy for the brain and heart. In fact, one study indicated that people with dementia who had a drink daily had a slower decline than those who drank nothing. But drinking more than 14 drinks a week may raise the risk.
Party on. Have fun with your friends, sign up for new activities, gab on the phone and head to gatherings you enjoy. A University of Michigan study found that just talking to someone for 10 minutes improved memory and intellect on tests shortly afterward.
Unwind. People with higher levels of stress hormones have poorer memory than those with normal levels. So when you feel a stressful moment coming on, try this instant relaxation exercise: Shut your eyes, breathe in deeply through your nose and blow out through your mouth. Repeat at least five times, and you’ll be sure to find your car – and your keys – later.
But how can you tell if it’s a minor memory problem or a serious condition?
Dementia – often called senility – slowly progresses with old age, first eroding memory, attention, language and problem solving. More than five million Americans live with dementia, and two-thirds of them have Alzheimer’s disease, which is a branch of dementia.
Alzheimer’s is more common in women (more than half the cases) than men. Although most dementias strike later in life, Alzheimer’s can hit in the 40s as a slow, steady loss of brain cells. As the disease progresses, patients lose control of their bladders and bowels, and develop severe mood swings. They live about four to six years after diagnosis. Click here for more Alzheimer’s information.
Diagnosing the Brain’s DeclineA neurologist diagnoses Alzheimer’s through memory tests that confirm dementia and by ruling out other causes, such as strokes and tumors.
Ask these questions to gauge how serious the condition is:
How frequent are the memory lapses? Occasional forgetfulness is not unusual. But frequently forgetting where the car is or when appointments are may be a sign of severe dementia or Alzheimer’s.
Do the memory lapses interfere with day-to-day life? Failing to eat meals, manage personal hygiene, clean clothes or remember regular routes are not normal, and may indicate severe dementia.
Does the person sound like a broken record? Frequent repetition of the same information or questions is a red flag. So are forgetting familiar things such as a friend’s or relative’s name.
Does the person seem confused? Henry Fonda’s character in On Golden Pond lost his way, panicking in a familiar place. Like the movie character, a person with dementia may have trouble following a conversation, lose his place in a game or forget how he arrived at a new spot.
Is the memory loss progressive and disproportionate to that person’s age? If the progression is relentless and the person seems much less functional than her peers, she may have Alzheimer’s.
Talk to your doctor if you think you’re experiencing memory loss.
Could You Be Depressed?Depression affects 20 million people a year, compromising their ability to function normally. Find out if you're just blue or if you might be clinically depressed.
The information contained on www.lifescript.com (the "Site") is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice from your doctor or healthcare professional. This information should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical condition. Information and statements provided by the site about dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. LifeScript does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, third-party products, procedures, opinions, or other information mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by LifeScript is solely at your own risk.
Zinc, Found in Meat, essential for Metabolism
Zinc, Found in Meat, essential for Metabolism
You’ve done everything you can think of to raise your metabolism. You eat six small meals a day, lift weights and get plenty of cardio. But you may be missing another crucial element required to elevate your metabolism and maximize your calorie burn: Zinc. This important mineral performs a variety of functions, from helping to repair cells and keeping your sense of taste and smell sharp to making your hair shiny. Zinc also helps to regulate your thyroid, which produces the hormones that control your metabolism, making it a vital weapon in the battle against weight gain. While there are many zinc supplements in pill or liquid form out on the market, a tastier way to consume enough of this essential nutrient is to eat the right foods. Meat is an excellent source of zinc. Beef, poultry (especially the dark meat), lean pork, and seafood are all good choices that will also provide a lot of filling protein. Keep in mind that the zinc found in meat is more easily absorbed than the zinc found in other foods, which is why vegetarians are often deficient in this mineral. If you don’t eat meat, just make sure to eat plenty of nuts (especially almonds), beans, cheese, and wheat germ. Try our black bean croquettes for a delicious way to get plenty of zinc to help boost your metabolism.
You’ve done everything you can think of to raise your metabolism. You eat six small meals a day, lift weights and get plenty of cardio. But you may be missing another crucial element required to elevate your metabolism and maximize your calorie burn: Zinc. This important mineral performs a variety of functions, from helping to repair cells and keeping your sense of taste and smell sharp to making your hair shiny. Zinc also helps to regulate your thyroid, which produces the hormones that control your metabolism, making it a vital weapon in the battle against weight gain. While there are many zinc supplements in pill or liquid form out on the market, a tastier way to consume enough of this essential nutrient is to eat the right foods. Meat is an excellent source of zinc. Beef, poultry (especially the dark meat), lean pork, and seafood are all good choices that will also provide a lot of filling protein. Keep in mind that the zinc found in meat is more easily absorbed than the zinc found in other foods, which is why vegetarians are often deficient in this mineral. If you don’t eat meat, just make sure to eat plenty of nuts (especially almonds), beans, cheese, and wheat germ. Try our black bean croquettes for a delicious way to get plenty of zinc to help boost your metabolism.
Friday, February 20, 2009
肥胖使女性增患乳腺、子宫、卵巢癌 使男性罹患结肠、直肠和前列腺癌
肥胖使女性增患乳腺、子宫、卵巢癌 使男性罹患结肠、直肠和前列腺癌
根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的定义,肥胖是一种疾病。据统计,35%的癌症病例和70%因癌症死亡的病例与营养有一定的关系,超重是其中重要的因素之一。肥胖与多种生殖系统和消化系统肿瘤有密切关系,调查结果表明:肥胖的女性患乳腺癌、子宫癌、卵巢癌这三大癌症的机会要比体重正常的女性多出三倍;男性肥胖者主要是结肠癌、直肠癌和前列腺癌的发病率增加,这些癌症都与超重时的内分泌紊乱有关。肥胖也可导致患其它癌症的风险和心脑血管疾病的增加。 肥胖所带来的心理、生理等健康问题日益突出,肥胖与血脂紊乱、II型糖尿病、冠心病、高血压、脂肪肝、癌症等疾病密切相关。专家建议,预防癌症和其他慢性病要从儿童抓起,教育培养孩子从小养成健康生活习惯,可有效减少成年期癌症的发生。据统计,43%的癌症病例可以通过儿童时期养成健康的生活习惯预防。 营养过度是儿童期肥胖的主要起因与促发元素。因此,对肥胖儿的首要干预措施就是饮食方面的积极干预。
第一,控制总热量摄入,即适当减少肥胖儿的每日主食量。 一下子大幅度减少每日主食量,孩子难以配合。专家建议可先在原有基础上减少1/5~1/4,而后逐渐过渡到1/3。由于儿童处于生长发育的快速时期,减至原有主食量的1/3 左右就不可以再减了,以防影响孩子的正常生长发育。
第二,一日三餐合理分配。 专家建议三餐的热能分配分别为:早餐占全日总量的30%,午餐占40%,晚餐占30%。一日三餐都要吃,这样才能使营养平均分配,保证儿童身体发育的营养需求。
第三,调整饮食结构。 (一)适当增加低热量高蛋白的食品,如豆类、蛋、奶、鱼、瘦肉等; (二)增加新鲜水果和蔬菜等纤维素含量高的食物,每日两者的供应量需达400~500克,尤其是新鲜蔬菜要多吃一些; (三)要减少和控制摄入各种高脂肪、高热量的食物,如油炸食品、洋快餐、奶油制品、甜食和甜饮料等。
(一)晚餐不可吃得过晚,晚间不要随意加餐; (二)合理安排晚餐的进食顺序,建议饭前先吃一些低热量的食物,如水果、蔬菜或汤,而后再安排吃主食。有助于防止过多食入高热量、高脂肪的食物,起到调整饮食结构、减少热量摄入的作用,对肥胖的干预具有实际效果。(笑阳)
根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的定义,肥胖是一种疾病。据统计,35%的癌症病例和70%因癌症死亡的病例与营养有一定的关系,超重是其中重要的因素之一。肥胖与多种生殖系统和消化系统肿瘤有密切关系,调查结果表明:肥胖的女性患乳腺癌、子宫癌、卵巢癌这三大癌症的机会要比体重正常的女性多出三倍;男性肥胖者主要是结肠癌、直肠癌和前列腺癌的发病率增加,这些癌症都与超重时的内分泌紊乱有关。肥胖也可导致患其它癌症的风险和心脑血管疾病的增加。 肥胖所带来的心理、生理等健康问题日益突出,肥胖与血脂紊乱、II型糖尿病、冠心病、高血压、脂肪肝、癌症等疾病密切相关。专家建议,预防癌症和其他慢性病要从儿童抓起,教育培养孩子从小养成健康生活习惯,可有效减少成年期癌症的发生。据统计,43%的癌症病例可以通过儿童时期养成健康的生活习惯预防。 营养过度是儿童期肥胖的主要起因与促发元素。因此,对肥胖儿的首要干预措施就是饮食方面的积极干预。
第一,控制总热量摄入,即适当减少肥胖儿的每日主食量。 一下子大幅度减少每日主食量,孩子难以配合。专家建议可先在原有基础上减少1/5~1/4,而后逐渐过渡到1/3。由于儿童处于生长发育的快速时期,减至原有主食量的1/3 左右就不可以再减了,以防影响孩子的正常生长发育。
第二,一日三餐合理分配。 专家建议三餐的热能分配分别为:早餐占全日总量的30%,午餐占40%,晚餐占30%。一日三餐都要吃,这样才能使营养平均分配,保证儿童身体发育的营养需求。
第三,调整饮食结构。 (一)适当增加低热量高蛋白的食品,如豆类、蛋、奶、鱼、瘦肉等; (二)增加新鲜水果和蔬菜等纤维素含量高的食物,每日两者的供应量需达400~500克,尤其是新鲜蔬菜要多吃一些; (三)要减少和控制摄入各种高脂肪、高热量的食物,如油炸食品、洋快餐、奶油制品、甜食和甜饮料等。
(一)晚餐不可吃得过晚,晚间不要随意加餐; (二)合理安排晚餐的进食顺序,建议饭前先吃一些低热量的食物,如水果、蔬菜或汤,而后再安排吃主食。有助于防止过多食入高热量、高脂肪的食物,起到调整饮食结构、减少热量摄入的作用,对肥胖的干预具有实际效果。(笑阳)
What do I eat before a workout
What do I eat before a workout? I thought that I was supposed to eat carbs before and protein after. Can you please clarify this for me?
What you eat before and after a workout mostly depends on your goals. If you are struggling with fat loss, it is probably best to limit carbohydrates to after your workout as to not interfere with fat burning during your exercise session. And you should pair those carbohydrates with protein to promote recovery and the maintenance of calorie-burning lean muscle.
As for what to eat pre-workout (again, while attempting to lose fat), an amino-acid rich protein beverage (whey protein, for example) is a great choice as it is quickly digested and deters the breakdown of lean muscle during your workouts.
In short, pre-workout protein helps to maintain muscle mass while optimizing fat loss. Go with a whey protein shake about a half hour beforehand or some form of lean meat about an hour beforehand, as animal protein takes a bit longer to digest.
To your fat-loss success,Joel Marion
What you eat before and after a workout mostly depends on your goals. If you are struggling with fat loss, it is probably best to limit carbohydrates to after your workout as to not interfere with fat burning during your exercise session. And you should pair those carbohydrates with protein to promote recovery and the maintenance of calorie-burning lean muscle.
As for what to eat pre-workout (again, while attempting to lose fat), an amino-acid rich protein beverage (whey protein, for example) is a great choice as it is quickly digested and deters the breakdown of lean muscle during your workouts.
In short, pre-workout protein helps to maintain muscle mass while optimizing fat loss. Go with a whey protein shake about a half hour beforehand or some form of lean meat about an hour beforehand, as animal protein takes a bit longer to digest.
To your fat-loss success,Joel Marion
Q&A - What's Best for Shakes - Milk or Water?
Q&A - What's Best for Shakes - Milk or Water?
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Q: I recently started to incorporate meal-replacement shakes into my regular diet, but am not sure whether to mix them with milk or water. Is one better than the other?
-Heather M.A: Hi Heather,
The answer is, it depends. Before deciding which to use, there are a few things you should consider:
1. Your goals. Are you attempting to lose or maintain your weight? If you’re looking to lose it, it’s probably best to go with water to save calories. While milk may make the shake taste a little better, the extra calories in it won’t do much to fill your belly and are better spent on a more filling alternative.
2. Your diet type. What type of diet are you on? If you are utilizing a lower-carbohydrate approach, it’s better to go with water as each cup of milk contains 12 grams of sugar. If you’re counting calories, you could choose milk or water so long as you are factoring in the calories that the milk adds to the shake. That said, as I mentioned in No. 1, I would personally rather get those calories by adding something more satiating, such as a piece of fruit, alongside the shake.
4. Time of day. Because of the insulin release caused by milk, it is best drunk in the morning and avoided in the evening. In fact, you should be choosing a low-carb (protein only) shake in the evening hours.
5. Your preference. Ultimately, you are the one who is drinking the shake, so if you enjoy the taste when mixed with milk much more than mixed with water, there’s nothing wrong with choosing low-fat milk (at least some of the time). Just be sure to factor in the calories.
To your fat-loss success,
Joel Marion
To learn more about Joel’s Body Transformation Coaching Program or to download a free copy of his rapid fat-loss report visit Joelmarioncoaching.com.
Got a diet question? Ask Joel Marion
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Q: I recently started to incorporate meal-replacement shakes into my regular diet, but am not sure whether to mix them with milk or water. Is one better than the other?
-Heather M.A: Hi Heather,
The answer is, it depends. Before deciding which to use, there are a few things you should consider:
1. Your goals. Are you attempting to lose or maintain your weight? If you’re looking to lose it, it’s probably best to go with water to save calories. While milk may make the shake taste a little better, the extra calories in it won’t do much to fill your belly and are better spent on a more filling alternative.
2. Your diet type. What type of diet are you on? If you are utilizing a lower-carbohydrate approach, it’s better to go with water as each cup of milk contains 12 grams of sugar. If you’re counting calories, you could choose milk or water so long as you are factoring in the calories that the milk adds to the shake. That said, as I mentioned in No. 1, I would personally rather get those calories by adding something more satiating, such as a piece of fruit, alongside the shake.
4. Time of day. Because of the insulin release caused by milk, it is best drunk in the morning and avoided in the evening. In fact, you should be choosing a low-carb (protein only) shake in the evening hours.
5. Your preference. Ultimately, you are the one who is drinking the shake, so if you enjoy the taste when mixed with milk much more than mixed with water, there’s nothing wrong with choosing low-fat milk (at least some of the time). Just be sure to factor in the calories.
To your fat-loss success,
Joel Marion
To learn more about Joel’s Body Transformation Coaching Program or to download a free copy of his rapid fat-loss report visit Joelmarioncoaching.com.
Got a diet question? Ask Joel Marion
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Nuts and your heart: Eating nuts for heart health
Nuts and your heart: Eating nuts for heart health
Eating nuts helps your heart. Discover how walnuts, almonds and other nuts help lower your cholesterol when eaten as part of a balanced diet.
Eating nuts as part of a healthy diet is good for your heart. Nuts, which contain unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients, are a great snack food, too. They're inexpensive, easy to store and easy to take with you to work or school.
The type of nut you eat isn't that important, although some nuts have more heart-healthy nutrients and fats than do others. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, you name it, almost every type of nut has a lot of nutrition packed into a tiny package. If you have heart disease, eating nuts instead of a less healthy snack can help you more easily follow a heart-healthy diet.
Can eating nuts help your heart?
Most studies on people who eat nuts as part of a heart-healthy diet have found that nuts lower the LDL, low-density lipoprotein or "bad," cholesterol level in the blood. High LDL is one of the primary causes of heart disease, so nuts' ability to lower LDL cholesterol seems to be quite beneficial.
Eating nuts reduces your risk of developing blood clots that can cause a fatal heart attack. Nuts also improve the health of the lining of your arteries. The evidence for the heart-health benefits of nuts isn't rock solid yet — the Food and Drug Administration only allows food companies to say evidence "suggests but does not prove" that eating nuts reduces heart disease risk.
What's in nuts that's thought to be heart healthy?
Although it varies by nut, researchers think most nuts contain at least some of these heart-healthy substances:
Unsaturated fats. It's not entirely clear why, but it's thought that the "good" fats in nuts — both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats — lower bad cholesterol levels.
Omega-3 fatty acids. Many nuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are a healthy form of fatty acids that seem to help your heart by, among other things, preventing dangerous heart rhythms that can lead to heart attacks. Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in many fish, but nuts are one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
L-arginine. Nuts also have lots of l-arginine, which is a substance that may help improve the health of your artery walls by making them more flexible and less prone to blood clots that can block blood flow.
Fiber. All nuts contain fiber, which helps lower your cholesterol. Fiber also makes you feel full, so you'll eat less later. Fiber is also thought to play a role in preventing diabetes.
Vitamin E. Researchers still aren't sure, but it's thought that vitamin E may help stop the development of plaques in your arteries which can narrow them, leading to chest pain, coronary artery disease or a heart attack.
Plant sterols. Some nuts contain plant sterols, a substance that can help lower your cholesterol. Plant sterols are often added to products like margarine and orange juice for additional health benefits, but sterols occur naturally in nuts.
What amount of nuts is considered healthy?
Nuts contain a lot of fat; as much as 80 percent of a nut is fat. Even though most of this fat is healthy fat, it's still a lot of calories. That's why you should eat nuts in moderation. Ideally, you should use nuts as a substitute for saturated fats, such as those found in meats, eggs and dairy products.
Instead of eating unhealthy saturated fats, try substituting a handful of nuts. Current guidelines suggest eating 1 to 2 ounces (28.4 to 56.8 grams, or a small handful) of nuts each day. But again, do this as part of a heart-healthy diet. Just eating nuts and not cutting back on saturated fats found in many dairy and meat products won't do your heart any good.
Does it matter what kind of nuts you eat?
Possibly. Most nuts appear to be generally healthy, though some more so than others. Walnuts are one of the best-studied nuts, and it's been shown they contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts and pecans are other nuts that appear to be quite heart healthy. Even peanuts — which are technically not a nut, but a legume, like beans — seem to be relatively healthy. Coconut, which is technically a fruit, may be considered by some to be a nut, but it doesn't have heart-health benefits. Both coconut meat and oil contain a large amount of saturated fat.
Keep in mind, you could end up canceling out the heart-healthy benefits of nuts if they're covered with chocolate, sugar or salt.
Here's some nutrition information on common types of nuts. All calorie and fat content measurements are for 1 ounce, or 28.4 grams (g), of unsalted nuts.
Type of nut
Total fat (Saturated/Unsaturated fat)*
Almonds, raw
14 g (1.1 g/12.2 g)
Almonds, dry roasted
15 g (1.1 g/13.1 g)
Brazil nuts, raw
19 g (4.3 g/12.8 g)
Cashews, dry roasted
13.1 g (2.6 g/10 g)
Chestnuts, roasted
0.6 g (1 g/5 g)
Hazelnuts (filberts), raw
17 g (1.3 g/15.2 g)
Hazelnuts (filberts), dry roasted
17.7 g (1.3 g/15.6 g)
Macadamia nuts, raw
21.5 g (3.4 g/17.1 g)
Macadamia nuts, dry roasted
21.6 g (3.4 g/17.2 g)
Peanuts, dry roasted
14 g (2g/11.4 g)
Pecans, dry roasted
21 g (1.8 g/18.3 g)
Pistachios, dry roasted
13 g (1.6 g/10.8 g)
Walnuts, halved
18.5 g (1.7 g/15.9 g)
*The saturated and unsaturated fat contents in each nut may not add up to the total fat content because the fat value may also include some nonfatty acid material, such as sugars or phosphates.
How about nut oils? Are they healthy, too?
Nut oils are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, but they lack the fiber in whole nuts. Walnut oil is highest in omega-3s. Nut oils contain saturated as well as unsaturated fats. Consider using nut oils in homemade salad dressing or in cooking. When cooking with nut oils, remember that they respond differently to heat than do vegetable oils. Nut oil, if overheated, can become bitter. Just like with nuts, use nut oil in moderation, as the oils are high in fat and calories.
Eating nuts helps your heart. Discover how walnuts, almonds and other nuts help lower your cholesterol when eaten as part of a balanced diet.
Eating nuts as part of a healthy diet is good for your heart. Nuts, which contain unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients, are a great snack food, too. They're inexpensive, easy to store and easy to take with you to work or school.
The type of nut you eat isn't that important, although some nuts have more heart-healthy nutrients and fats than do others. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, you name it, almost every type of nut has a lot of nutrition packed into a tiny package. If you have heart disease, eating nuts instead of a less healthy snack can help you more easily follow a heart-healthy diet.
Can eating nuts help your heart?
Most studies on people who eat nuts as part of a heart-healthy diet have found that nuts lower the LDL, low-density lipoprotein or "bad," cholesterol level in the blood. High LDL is one of the primary causes of heart disease, so nuts' ability to lower LDL cholesterol seems to be quite beneficial.
Eating nuts reduces your risk of developing blood clots that can cause a fatal heart attack. Nuts also improve the health of the lining of your arteries. The evidence for the heart-health benefits of nuts isn't rock solid yet — the Food and Drug Administration only allows food companies to say evidence "suggests but does not prove" that eating nuts reduces heart disease risk.
What's in nuts that's thought to be heart healthy?
Although it varies by nut, researchers think most nuts contain at least some of these heart-healthy substances:
Unsaturated fats. It's not entirely clear why, but it's thought that the "good" fats in nuts — both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats — lower bad cholesterol levels.
Omega-3 fatty acids. Many nuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are a healthy form of fatty acids that seem to help your heart by, among other things, preventing dangerous heart rhythms that can lead to heart attacks. Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in many fish, but nuts are one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
L-arginine. Nuts also have lots of l-arginine, which is a substance that may help improve the health of your artery walls by making them more flexible and less prone to blood clots that can block blood flow.
Fiber. All nuts contain fiber, which helps lower your cholesterol. Fiber also makes you feel full, so you'll eat less later. Fiber is also thought to play a role in preventing diabetes.
Vitamin E. Researchers still aren't sure, but it's thought that vitamin E may help stop the development of plaques in your arteries which can narrow them, leading to chest pain, coronary artery disease or a heart attack.
Plant sterols. Some nuts contain plant sterols, a substance that can help lower your cholesterol. Plant sterols are often added to products like margarine and orange juice for additional health benefits, but sterols occur naturally in nuts.
What amount of nuts is considered healthy?
Nuts contain a lot of fat; as much as 80 percent of a nut is fat. Even though most of this fat is healthy fat, it's still a lot of calories. That's why you should eat nuts in moderation. Ideally, you should use nuts as a substitute for saturated fats, such as those found in meats, eggs and dairy products.
Instead of eating unhealthy saturated fats, try substituting a handful of nuts. Current guidelines suggest eating 1 to 2 ounces (28.4 to 56.8 grams, or a small handful) of nuts each day. But again, do this as part of a heart-healthy diet. Just eating nuts and not cutting back on saturated fats found in many dairy and meat products won't do your heart any good.
Does it matter what kind of nuts you eat?
Possibly. Most nuts appear to be generally healthy, though some more so than others. Walnuts are one of the best-studied nuts, and it's been shown they contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts and pecans are other nuts that appear to be quite heart healthy. Even peanuts — which are technically not a nut, but a legume, like beans — seem to be relatively healthy. Coconut, which is technically a fruit, may be considered by some to be a nut, but it doesn't have heart-health benefits. Both coconut meat and oil contain a large amount of saturated fat.
Keep in mind, you could end up canceling out the heart-healthy benefits of nuts if they're covered with chocolate, sugar or salt.
Here's some nutrition information on common types of nuts. All calorie and fat content measurements are for 1 ounce, or 28.4 grams (g), of unsalted nuts.
Type of nut
Total fat (Saturated/Unsaturated fat)*
Almonds, raw
14 g (1.1 g/12.2 g)
Almonds, dry roasted
15 g (1.1 g/13.1 g)
Brazil nuts, raw
19 g (4.3 g/12.8 g)
Cashews, dry roasted
13.1 g (2.6 g/10 g)
Chestnuts, roasted
0.6 g (1 g/5 g)
Hazelnuts (filberts), raw
17 g (1.3 g/15.2 g)
Hazelnuts (filberts), dry roasted
17.7 g (1.3 g/15.6 g)
Macadamia nuts, raw
21.5 g (3.4 g/17.1 g)
Macadamia nuts, dry roasted
21.6 g (3.4 g/17.2 g)
Peanuts, dry roasted
14 g (2g/11.4 g)
Pecans, dry roasted
21 g (1.8 g/18.3 g)
Pistachios, dry roasted
13 g (1.6 g/10.8 g)
Walnuts, halved
18.5 g (1.7 g/15.9 g)
*The saturated and unsaturated fat contents in each nut may not add up to the total fat content because the fat value may also include some nonfatty acid material, such as sugars or phosphates.
How about nut oils? Are they healthy, too?
Nut oils are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, but they lack the fiber in whole nuts. Walnut oil is highest in omega-3s. Nut oils contain saturated as well as unsaturated fats. Consider using nut oils in homemade salad dressing or in cooking. When cooking with nut oils, remember that they respond differently to heat than do vegetable oils. Nut oil, if overheated, can become bitter. Just like with nuts, use nut oil in moderation, as the oils are high in fat and calories.
7 Best Bone-Building Foods
7 Best Bone-Building Foods
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Women start to lose bone mass in their 30s. But a good diet will lower the risk of a weak skeleton. Here are 7 foods that are great for your main frame. Plus, you can make up for diet deficiencies with supplements, but how much do you know about them? Test yourself with our quiz…
1. SeedsThink of bone-building minerals and calcium first comes to mind. Our skeleton is largely made of calcium, but other minerals play a key role too. In fact, 50% of the body’s magnesium resides in our bones. Low levels are linked to fragile bones and calcium loss, research shows. All seeds are good magnesium sources, but pumpkin seeds outshine the rest.
Here are a few ways to eat seeds:
Measure a 1-ounce portion to take to work for an afternoon pick-me-up.
Sprinkle a tablespoon or two onto your mixed green salad.
Toss some with green beans or sautéed spinach.
2. NutsBones aren’t hard and brittle; they’re living organs with live cells and fluids. Every day, bone cells break down and build up. That’s how they remain strong and heal after a break.Walnuts – rich in alpha linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid – decrease the rate of bone breakdown and keep bone formation constant, according to a 2007 Nutrition Journal study. Brazil nuts are also great sources of magnesium.
So grab a small handful for a snack or sprinkle a couple tablespoons into your oatmeal. Keep in mind that nuts are high-fat and high-calorie, so limit your daily serving to one ounce – about 1/4 cup. Other foods with alpha linolenic acid include: flaxseed oil, ground flaxseeds, walnut oil, soybeans, soybean oil and canola oil.
3. Tap Water Fluoride, famed for its role in preventing cavities, is also a component of your bones and adds to their density. Many communities add this mineral to drinking water to help dental health. So if you drink only bottled water, you may not get enough fluoride to protect your teeth or bones.
4. Leafy GreensMake green your new favorite color. Your salads and steamed greens are packed with bone-building nutrients, particularly calcium, magnesium and vitamin K.
Vitamin K is critical in forming bone proteins and cuts calcium loss in urine. Too little of this fat-soluble vitamin increases risk of hip fractures, research shows.
Just one cup of raw or a half-cup of cooked greens provides several times the recommended intake of 90 micrograms per day. Here are a few ways to sneak some extra greens in today:
Add lettuce to your sandwiches. Even iceberg has vitamin K.
Slip spinach leaves between layers of noodles in homemade lasagna.
Start your dinner with a salad of spinach or mixed greens.
Try dandelion greens or Swiss chard for dinner.
5. Beans Have beans for supper tonight, especially pinto, black, white and kidney beans. You’ll get another good boost of magnesium and even some calcium. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends at least 2-1/2 cups of beans and other legumes (peas, lentils) weekly.
Bean-eaters reduce their risk of cancer, heart disease and obesity. Problem is, most people don’t know what to do with them. Here are a few ideas:
At the beginning of the week, open and rinse a can of beans, and store them in your refrigerator. Each night, toss a heaping spoonful into your mixed green salad.
Top nachos with red beans.
Mix any canned bean into vegetable soups.
Add black beans or kidney beans to pasta salads.
Instead of coleslaw or potato salad, take a bean salad to your next potluck supper.
6. Fish When it comes to bones, calcium is nothing without vitamin D, which we need so our bodies can absorb calcium. As with vitamin K, vitamin D deficiency also is linked to hip fracture. In fact, 50% of women with osteoporosis who were hospitalized for hip fracture had signs of vitamin D deficiency, according to a scientific review by the American Medical Association.
The best fish? Salmon. A small serving of salmon – only 3-1/2 ounces – gives you 90% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin D. If you want a double-whammy of bone-building nutrients, don’t just look to fresh fish. Canned salmon provides vitamin D and calcium… as long as you eat the bones. (Don’t worry, they’re soft.)
7. DairyMany of us forget about milk once we outgrow crazy straws and strawberry powder, but bones don’t stop developing in our teens. We add bone mass even in our 20s, but only if we consume enough of the nutritional elements.
Once we reach menopause and begin to lose estrogen, our bones lose calcium more rapidly than at any other time in our lives. Here again, calcium and vitamin D can help delay the loss of bone mass.
Milk is a good source of vitamin D because it is fortified. Cheese, yogurt and ice cream generally aren’t; they contain little vitamin D. Drink nonfat or 1% milk; the others have high saturated fat and cholesterol content. Pour a nice cold glass and enjoy – with or without a cookie.
More Dos and Don’ts for Strong Bones
Do eat fruits and veggies. You’ve been told this over and over, but it’s worth repeating. Higher consumption means greater bone mineral density. Researchers can’t say why, but fruits and vegetables are loaded with an array of nutrients that build strong bones.
Do exercise. Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Weight-bearing exercises like running, dancing and lifting weights stress your bones in a good way. This signals your body to make more bone cells.
Don’t drink too much. Alcohol can inhibit the formation of new bone cells.
Don’t drink cola. Regular cola drinkers have lower bone mineral density than women who rarely drink cola.
Don’t smoke. The more you smoke, the greater your risk of a fracture.
Don’t worry about caffeine – if you get enough calcium. Drink caffeine and you’ll lose more calcium in your urine one to three hours afterward. Drinking more than two or three cups of coffee per day is associated with bone loss in postmenopausal women when their calcium intake is inadequate. Aim for 1,200 milligrams (mg) of calcium daily – the equivalent of four cups of milk or yogurt – if you’ve hit menopause. Otherwise, 1,000 mg should do.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Women start to lose bone mass in their 30s. But a good diet will lower the risk of a weak skeleton. Here are 7 foods that are great for your main frame. Plus, you can make up for diet deficiencies with supplements, but how much do you know about them? Test yourself with our quiz…
1. SeedsThink of bone-building minerals and calcium first comes to mind. Our skeleton is largely made of calcium, but other minerals play a key role too. In fact, 50% of the body’s magnesium resides in our bones. Low levels are linked to fragile bones and calcium loss, research shows. All seeds are good magnesium sources, but pumpkin seeds outshine the rest.
Here are a few ways to eat seeds:
Measure a 1-ounce portion to take to work for an afternoon pick-me-up.
Sprinkle a tablespoon or two onto your mixed green salad.
Toss some with green beans or sautéed spinach.
2. NutsBones aren’t hard and brittle; they’re living organs with live cells and fluids. Every day, bone cells break down and build up. That’s how they remain strong and heal after a break.Walnuts – rich in alpha linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid – decrease the rate of bone breakdown and keep bone formation constant, according to a 2007 Nutrition Journal study. Brazil nuts are also great sources of magnesium.
So grab a small handful for a snack or sprinkle a couple tablespoons into your oatmeal. Keep in mind that nuts are high-fat and high-calorie, so limit your daily serving to one ounce – about 1/4 cup. Other foods with alpha linolenic acid include: flaxseed oil, ground flaxseeds, walnut oil, soybeans, soybean oil and canola oil.
3. Tap Water Fluoride, famed for its role in preventing cavities, is also a component of your bones and adds to their density. Many communities add this mineral to drinking water to help dental health. So if you drink only bottled water, you may not get enough fluoride to protect your teeth or bones.
4. Leafy GreensMake green your new favorite color. Your salads and steamed greens are packed with bone-building nutrients, particularly calcium, magnesium and vitamin K.
Vitamin K is critical in forming bone proteins and cuts calcium loss in urine. Too little of this fat-soluble vitamin increases risk of hip fractures, research shows.
Just one cup of raw or a half-cup of cooked greens provides several times the recommended intake of 90 micrograms per day. Here are a few ways to sneak some extra greens in today:
Add lettuce to your sandwiches. Even iceberg has vitamin K.
Slip spinach leaves between layers of noodles in homemade lasagna.
Start your dinner with a salad of spinach or mixed greens.
Try dandelion greens or Swiss chard for dinner.
5. Beans Have beans for supper tonight, especially pinto, black, white and kidney beans. You’ll get another good boost of magnesium and even some calcium. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends at least 2-1/2 cups of beans and other legumes (peas, lentils) weekly.
Bean-eaters reduce their risk of cancer, heart disease and obesity. Problem is, most people don’t know what to do with them. Here are a few ideas:
At the beginning of the week, open and rinse a can of beans, and store them in your refrigerator. Each night, toss a heaping spoonful into your mixed green salad.
Top nachos with red beans.
Mix any canned bean into vegetable soups.
Add black beans or kidney beans to pasta salads.
Instead of coleslaw or potato salad, take a bean salad to your next potluck supper.
6. Fish When it comes to bones, calcium is nothing without vitamin D, which we need so our bodies can absorb calcium. As with vitamin K, vitamin D deficiency also is linked to hip fracture. In fact, 50% of women with osteoporosis who were hospitalized for hip fracture had signs of vitamin D deficiency, according to a scientific review by the American Medical Association.
The best fish? Salmon. A small serving of salmon – only 3-1/2 ounces – gives you 90% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin D. If you want a double-whammy of bone-building nutrients, don’t just look to fresh fish. Canned salmon provides vitamin D and calcium… as long as you eat the bones. (Don’t worry, they’re soft.)
7. DairyMany of us forget about milk once we outgrow crazy straws and strawberry powder, but bones don’t stop developing in our teens. We add bone mass even in our 20s, but only if we consume enough of the nutritional elements.
Once we reach menopause and begin to lose estrogen, our bones lose calcium more rapidly than at any other time in our lives. Here again, calcium and vitamin D can help delay the loss of bone mass.
Milk is a good source of vitamin D because it is fortified. Cheese, yogurt and ice cream generally aren’t; they contain little vitamin D. Drink nonfat or 1% milk; the others have high saturated fat and cholesterol content. Pour a nice cold glass and enjoy – with or without a cookie.
More Dos and Don’ts for Strong Bones
Do eat fruits and veggies. You’ve been told this over and over, but it’s worth repeating. Higher consumption means greater bone mineral density. Researchers can’t say why, but fruits and vegetables are loaded with an array of nutrients that build strong bones.
Do exercise. Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Weight-bearing exercises like running, dancing and lifting weights stress your bones in a good way. This signals your body to make more bone cells.
Don’t drink too much. Alcohol can inhibit the formation of new bone cells.
Don’t drink cola. Regular cola drinkers have lower bone mineral density than women who rarely drink cola.
Don’t smoke. The more you smoke, the greater your risk of a fracture.
Don’t worry about caffeine – if you get enough calcium. Drink caffeine and you’ll lose more calcium in your urine one to three hours afterward. Drinking more than two or three cups of coffee per day is associated with bone loss in postmenopausal women when their calcium intake is inadequate. Aim for 1,200 milligrams (mg) of calcium daily – the equivalent of four cups of milk or yogurt – if you’ve hit menopause. Otherwise, 1,000 mg should do.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
How to Cut Your Cancer Risk
How to Cut Your Cancer Risk
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Cancer seems to come at us from every direction. Plastic bottles, cell phones, food. But it’s possible to cut your risk, says Dr. David Servan-Schreiber in his book. Here’s his 4-step approach to fighting the Big C, just in time for National Cancer Prevention Month. Plus, how much do you know about cancer? Take our quiz…
Our bodies continuously make defective cells, our genes can undermine us and our environment assaults us. And while they're well-equipped to detect and eliminate damaged genetic material, sometimes the broken DNA leads to cancers that our bodies can’t repair without help from drugs and other treatments.
That’s where David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., comes in.
As a cancer survivor himself, Servan-Schreiber has firsthand knowledge of the challenges in treating the disease. And as a researcher, he has logged long hours studying the brain’s processes.
Ironically, his own research led to his diagnosis. He was mapping brain activity on people who performed mental tasks while undergoing MRIs. When one volunteer didn’t show, the doctor took his place, and a walnut-sized tumor in his own brain was detected.
Servan-Schreiber’s book, Anticancer – A New Way of Life (Viking Adult, 2008), details his journey through cancer and discovery of the role of alternative and complementary medicine in treating illness. Although he acknowledges the importance of modern medical science, Servan-Schreiber is convinced that the healing process involves more.
So he looked at environmental factors. If our bodies can fight the development of tumors naturally, he asked, how can we assist it?
The cancer researcher describes four new approaches to boost the chances of preventing and defeating cancer. First, he focuses on environmental factors that he feels promote the onset of the disease.
Cancer used to be a disease of old people,” he says. “Now it is common to know a younger person with cancer.”
Second, our diets should include vegetable-derived compounds known to fight tumors, he says. Some of the easiest steps are adding certain spices and foods. “Consider adding green tea, turmeric or garlic to your diet,” he says.
For 25 foods that fight disease, click here.Servan-Schreiber’s third focus is psychology. “There has been no link established between stress and the development of cancer,” he says. But in animal studies, “Reaction to stress can speed up or even slow down cancer growth,” he says.
And fourth, Servan-Schreiber wants us to create “a relationship with our bodies that stimulates the immune system and reduces inflammation that makes tumors grow.”
Focusing on yourself as a living, breathing human and “loving yourself” for as little as 15 minutes per day can have positive health benefits, he says. Too many self-help efforts start with a negative.
Add “some new spices to the diet, walk each day for 10 to 15 minutes and work up to more, or join a group with common interests,” he says. Once you build confidence in your ability to adapt new behaviors, “then you are better able to let go of old habits,” he says.
Here are some of his suggestions for an anti-cancer way of life:
Approach #1: Detox Your EnvironmentEnvironmental toxins have mushroomed since the 1940s, according to Servan-Schreiber. Some strategies to protect yourself include:
Air out dry-cleaned clothing.
Avoid pesticides and insecticides.
Avoid parabens and phthalates in cosmetics.
Avoid chemical cleaning products.
Avoid cigarette smoke and other atmospheric pollutants.
Filter your tap water.
Here are his suggestions to minimize cell-phone electromagnetic radiation exposure:
Don’t allow children under 12 years old to use cell phones, except for emergencies.
Avoid carrying a cell phone with you constantly.
Don’t use the phone when the signal is weak because it will maximize power to find a source.
Approach #2: Change Your DietSo what changes does Servan-Schreiber suggest for our diets? About 56% of our calories are from three sources that were nonexistent when humans were emerging, he says. These include refined sugars, such as cane and beet sugar, and corn syrup; bleached flour; and vegetable oils, including hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated trans fats. Servan-Schreiber recommends minimizing these.
He also urges using low-glycemic foods (which don’t cause a blood sugar spike) in place of sweeteners and other starches. Agave nectar and stevia are two plant-derived sweeteners with a low glycemic index. Instead of bleached flours, he recommends mixed, whole-grain cereals, multigrain bread and whole grain rice, such as basmati or Thai.Swap in lentils, peas, beans, sweet potatoes and yams for the higher glycemic starches found in potatoes. Avoid jams, jellies and fruit cooked in sugar, or fruit in syrup. Fruit in its natural state is preferred and can be sweetened with agave nectar.
Finally, he recommends a glass of red wine a day with a meal.
The anti-cancer diet also includes:
Animal proteins (optional, if you’re a vegetarian) derived from fish, organic meat, omega-3 eggs and organic dairy products
Whole grains
Fats and oils, such as olive, canola or flaxseed oil
Herbs and spices, such as turmeric, mint, thyme, rosemary and garlic
Vegetables and fruits and vegetable proteins, such as lentils, peas, beans and tofu
Approach #3: Address Your EmotionsPersistent anger or despair, social isolation, denial of true identity and a sedentary lifestyle all can inhibit immune cell production and aggravate inflammatory responses, Servan-Schreiber says. He recommends:
Resolving past traumas
Facing one’s difficulties
Obtaining support from family and friends
Finding someone with whom you can share your emotions
Engaging in regular physical activity
Approach #4: Get In TouchSeveral studies have shown that touch and massage reduce stress hormones and increase protective cells in women with breast cancer. If you have the disease, Servan-Schreiber advises:
Trying easy activities that stimulate the body gently
Joining a group
Having fun
Figuring out the appropriate activity level for your cancer
Want more? Get your own copy of Anticancer - A New Way of Life.
What Really Causes Cancer? Myths vs. FactsCell phones, makeup, bug spray, and even fresh produce all have been rumored to cause cancer. But should you believe every cancer myth you hear? Separate myth from facts with this cancer quiz.
The information contained on www.lifescript.com (the "Site") is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice from your doctor or healthcare professional. This information should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical condition. Information and statements provided by the site about dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. LifeScript does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, third-party products, procedures, opinions, or other information mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by LifeScript is solely at your own risk.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Cancer seems to come at us from every direction. Plastic bottles, cell phones, food. But it’s possible to cut your risk, says Dr. David Servan-Schreiber in his book. Here’s his 4-step approach to fighting the Big C, just in time for National Cancer Prevention Month. Plus, how much do you know about cancer? Take our quiz…
Our bodies continuously make defective cells, our genes can undermine us and our environment assaults us. And while they're well-equipped to detect and eliminate damaged genetic material, sometimes the broken DNA leads to cancers that our bodies can’t repair without help from drugs and other treatments.
That’s where David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., comes in.
As a cancer survivor himself, Servan-Schreiber has firsthand knowledge of the challenges in treating the disease. And as a researcher, he has logged long hours studying the brain’s processes.
Ironically, his own research led to his diagnosis. He was mapping brain activity on people who performed mental tasks while undergoing MRIs. When one volunteer didn’t show, the doctor took his place, and a walnut-sized tumor in his own brain was detected.
Servan-Schreiber’s book, Anticancer – A New Way of Life (Viking Adult, 2008), details his journey through cancer and discovery of the role of alternative and complementary medicine in treating illness. Although he acknowledges the importance of modern medical science, Servan-Schreiber is convinced that the healing process involves more.
So he looked at environmental factors. If our bodies can fight the development of tumors naturally, he asked, how can we assist it?
The cancer researcher describes four new approaches to boost the chances of preventing and defeating cancer. First, he focuses on environmental factors that he feels promote the onset of the disease.
Cancer used to be a disease of old people,” he says. “Now it is common to know a younger person with cancer.”
Second, our diets should include vegetable-derived compounds known to fight tumors, he says. Some of the easiest steps are adding certain spices and foods. “Consider adding green tea, turmeric or garlic to your diet,” he says.
For 25 foods that fight disease, click here.Servan-Schreiber’s third focus is psychology. “There has been no link established between stress and the development of cancer,” he says. But in animal studies, “Reaction to stress can speed up or even slow down cancer growth,” he says.
And fourth, Servan-Schreiber wants us to create “a relationship with our bodies that stimulates the immune system and reduces inflammation that makes tumors grow.”
Focusing on yourself as a living, breathing human and “loving yourself” for as little as 15 minutes per day can have positive health benefits, he says. Too many self-help efforts start with a negative.
Add “some new spices to the diet, walk each day for 10 to 15 minutes and work up to more, or join a group with common interests,” he says. Once you build confidence in your ability to adapt new behaviors, “then you are better able to let go of old habits,” he says.
Here are some of his suggestions for an anti-cancer way of life:
Approach #1: Detox Your EnvironmentEnvironmental toxins have mushroomed since the 1940s, according to Servan-Schreiber. Some strategies to protect yourself include:
Air out dry-cleaned clothing.
Avoid pesticides and insecticides.
Avoid parabens and phthalates in cosmetics.
Avoid chemical cleaning products.
Avoid cigarette smoke and other atmospheric pollutants.
Filter your tap water.
Here are his suggestions to minimize cell-phone electromagnetic radiation exposure:
Don’t allow children under 12 years old to use cell phones, except for emergencies.
Avoid carrying a cell phone with you constantly.
Don’t use the phone when the signal is weak because it will maximize power to find a source.
Approach #2: Change Your DietSo what changes does Servan-Schreiber suggest for our diets? About 56% of our calories are from three sources that were nonexistent when humans were emerging, he says. These include refined sugars, such as cane and beet sugar, and corn syrup; bleached flour; and vegetable oils, including hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated trans fats. Servan-Schreiber recommends minimizing these.
He also urges using low-glycemic foods (which don’t cause a blood sugar spike) in place of sweeteners and other starches. Agave nectar and stevia are two plant-derived sweeteners with a low glycemic index. Instead of bleached flours, he recommends mixed, whole-grain cereals, multigrain bread and whole grain rice, such as basmati or Thai.Swap in lentils, peas, beans, sweet potatoes and yams for the higher glycemic starches found in potatoes. Avoid jams, jellies and fruit cooked in sugar, or fruit in syrup. Fruit in its natural state is preferred and can be sweetened with agave nectar.
Finally, he recommends a glass of red wine a day with a meal.
The anti-cancer diet also includes:
Animal proteins (optional, if you’re a vegetarian) derived from fish, organic meat, omega-3 eggs and organic dairy products
Whole grains
Fats and oils, such as olive, canola or flaxseed oil
Herbs and spices, such as turmeric, mint, thyme, rosemary and garlic
Vegetables and fruits and vegetable proteins, such as lentils, peas, beans and tofu
Approach #3: Address Your EmotionsPersistent anger or despair, social isolation, denial of true identity and a sedentary lifestyle all can inhibit immune cell production and aggravate inflammatory responses, Servan-Schreiber says. He recommends:
Resolving past traumas
Facing one’s difficulties
Obtaining support from family and friends
Finding someone with whom you can share your emotions
Engaging in regular physical activity
Approach #4: Get In TouchSeveral studies have shown that touch and massage reduce stress hormones and increase protective cells in women with breast cancer. If you have the disease, Servan-Schreiber advises:
Trying easy activities that stimulate the body gently
Joining a group
Having fun
Figuring out the appropriate activity level for your cancer
Want more? Get your own copy of Anticancer - A New Way of Life.
What Really Causes Cancer? Myths vs. FactsCell phones, makeup, bug spray, and even fresh produce all have been rumored to cause cancer. But should you believe every cancer myth you hear? Separate myth from facts with this cancer quiz.
The information contained on www.lifescript.com (the "Site") is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice from your doctor or healthcare professional. This information should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical condition. Information and statements provided by the site about dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. LifeScript does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, third-party products, procedures, opinions, or other information mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by LifeScript is solely at your own risk.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
建议尽可能避免食用经过长时间高温加工的淀粉类食品,如油炸薯片和油炸薯条和各种油炸食品。,这其中丙烯酰胺含量较高,而丙烯酰胺是一种致癌物。 致癌饮食
茶垢: 茶垢中含有镉、铅、汞、砷等多种有害金属和某些致癌物质,如亚硝酸盐等,可导致肾脏、肝脏、胃肠等器官发生病变。
水果中烂掉的部分: 水果腐烂后,微生物在代谢过程中会产生各种有害物质,特别是真菌的繁殖加快。有些真菌具有致癌作用,可以从腐烂部分通过果汁向未腐烂部分扩散。所以,尽管去除了腐烂部分,剩下的水果仍然不能吃。
霉变的大米、花生和玉米: 其中含有黄曲霉素,是目前世界上公认的强致癌物质,容易引起肝癌和食道癌。有人以为,多洗几次或高温消毒就能去除有毒物质,其实黄曲霉素一旦污染食物,是很难彻底清除的。
碱性食品中的味精: 味精遇碱性食品会变成谷氨酸二钠,使其失去鲜味;当它被加热到120℃时,会变成致癌物质焦谷氨酸钠。因此,在有苏打、碱的食物中不宜放味精;做汤、菜时,应在起锅前放味精,避免长时间煎煮。
烧焦的鱼和肉: 鱼和肉里的脂肪不完全燃烧,会产生大量的V—氨甲基衍生物,这是一种强度超过了黄曲霉素的致癌物。
腐烂的白菜 : 腐烂和没腌透的白菜中,都含有致癌性亚硝酸盐。
烧烤食品: 所有的烧烤食品中,都容易出现一种致癌能力相当强的物质——苯并芘,这和油炸食品中的油反复使用,所产生的是同一物质。
涂在筷子上的油漆: 油漆筷子的使用现在仍然很普遍,但很多人都不知道,这些油漆中含有铅、苯等化学物质,常常随着油漆的剥落被我们吃进体内,造成一定的健康危害。
桌布上的有毒物质: 很多饭店在桌子上铺的薄薄的塑胶桌布是由聚氯乙烯制成的,含有毒的游离基,能通过食具借食物进入体内,导致慢性中毒。所以,在外就餐时,不要将筷子直接放在铺有塑胶薄膜的桌面上。
建议尽可能避免食用经过长时间高温加工的淀粉类食品,如油炸薯片和油炸薯条和各种油炸食品。,这其中丙烯酰胺含量较高,而丙烯酰胺是一种致癌物。 致癌饮食
茶垢: 茶垢中含有镉、铅、汞、砷等多种有害金属和某些致癌物质,如亚硝酸盐等,可导致肾脏、肝脏、胃肠等器官发生病变。
水果中烂掉的部分: 水果腐烂后,微生物在代谢过程中会产生各种有害物质,特别是真菌的繁殖加快。有些真菌具有致癌作用,可以从腐烂部分通过果汁向未腐烂部分扩散。所以,尽管去除了腐烂部分,剩下的水果仍然不能吃。
霉变的大米、花生和玉米: 其中含有黄曲霉素,是目前世界上公认的强致癌物质,容易引起肝癌和食道癌。有人以为,多洗几次或高温消毒就能去除有毒物质,其实黄曲霉素一旦污染食物,是很难彻底清除的。
碱性食品中的味精: 味精遇碱性食品会变成谷氨酸二钠,使其失去鲜味;当它被加热到120℃时,会变成致癌物质焦谷氨酸钠。因此,在有苏打、碱的食物中不宜放味精;做汤、菜时,应在起锅前放味精,避免长时间煎煮。
烧焦的鱼和肉: 鱼和肉里的脂肪不完全燃烧,会产生大量的V—氨甲基衍生物,这是一种强度超过了黄曲霉素的致癌物。
腐烂的白菜 : 腐烂和没腌透的白菜中,都含有致癌性亚硝酸盐。
烧烤食品: 所有的烧烤食品中,都容易出现一种致癌能力相当强的物质——苯并芘,这和油炸食品中的油反复使用,所产生的是同一物质。
涂在筷子上的油漆: 油漆筷子的使用现在仍然很普遍,但很多人都不知道,这些油漆中含有铅、苯等化学物质,常常随着油漆的剥落被我们吃进体内,造成一定的健康危害。
桌布上的有毒物质: 很多饭店在桌子上铺的薄薄的塑胶桌布是由聚氯乙烯制成的,含有毒的游离基,能通过食具借食物进入体内,导致慢性中毒。所以,在外就餐时,不要将筷子直接放在铺有塑胶薄膜的桌面上。
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
被困野山11天 吃虫喝尿形同“野人”
被困野山11天 吃虫喝尿形同“野人”
成都商报 2009-02-08 18:48:30
成都商报 2009-02-08 18:48:30
八旬老太无低保擦鞋度日整四年 半年没吃一顿肉
八旬老太无低保擦鞋度日整四年 半年没吃一顿肉
本文网址:http://www.backchina.com/news/2009/2/9/28394.html 八旬擦鞋老太每逢节日就抹泪 不愿累及子女而租房独居,因户口曾迁外地而吃不了低保 昨天清晨,天刚蒙蒙亮,80岁的胡绍倾喝了一口白开水,从床下拖出破旧的擦鞋箱,摸索着出门了。她要去大街上擦鞋,这样才能缴纳每月80元的房租,才能养活自己。 “要过大年了,争取多擦几双,买点好吃的去看儿子。”看到街坊邻里窗台上挂着的年货,胡绍倾想起了还住在精神病医院的二儿子宏祖云。
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老人正在艰难地干活 记者 扬帆 摄 76岁去擦鞋 胡绍倾的鞋摊摆在渝中区七星岗上三八街2-4号小巷里。 她把行头铺开,将家里唯一的一张椅子放在鞋箱旁,用衣袖擦干净后,自己蜷坐在小塑料凳上,等待顾客。 胡绍倾告诉记者,她原本住在较场口老瓷器街3号,丈夫1981年去世。到了上世纪90年代,看到儿女们都安了家,她经邻居介绍改嫁到河北。在河北生活3年半后,丈夫病逝,料理完丈夫的后事后,她登上了回重庆的火车----这里有她的儿女。 也许是命运捉弄,胡绍倾说,2004年,大儿子宏祖权因肺癌去世了,她还没有从白发人送黑发人的悲痛中走出来,二儿子宏祖云又得了精神病,生活不能自理。无奈之下,她和女儿将宏祖云送到了大溪沟精神病医院。 老人说,三女此后患了子宫癌,“已动了两次手术,还没有治好。”她说,三女家条件并不富裕,幺女又没有工作,考虑到不能给女儿增加负担,她决定靠自己的双手养活自己。 4年前,老人在上三八街2-4号小巷里摆起了鞋摊,那时,她已76岁。 半年没吃一顿肉 昨天上午,记者在擦鞋摊前见到了满头银发的胡绍倾。老人身高不到1.55米,很瘦,岁月在她脸上留下深深的印记,眉骨也凸了出来。看到老人这么大的岁数,一个顾客擦完鞋后,付了10元钱,老人赶紧将自己的手在衣服上擦擦,握住对方的手连声感谢。 小巷深处,一间老旧楼房的过道上,用木板隔出了不到6平方米的小房间,这里就是胡绍倾的家。除去一张床、一个小吊灯和一个电饭煲,屋里再无值钱东西。 “你们应该多来看看她。上次吃肉都是半年前了。”邻居李庭秀以为记者是老人的家人,凑上前来说,半年前,她见老人饭里没有一点油水,将一碗红烧肉给她端来。她后来才知道,那以后,老人一直没吃过肉。 “婆婆,这肉怎么不吃啊?”记者见到吊灯下挂着两块腊肉。老人吹了吹肉上的灰尘:“这是邻居送的,我要再存两天。等到过大年那天了,做了给儿子送去。” 一到节日就抹泪 “婆婆,春节放火炮了吗?”有围观的市民问。老人没有回答,转过头去偷偷抹泪。“她们条件也不好……”她的嘴唇颤抖着,声音很低。她不想让邻居听到,她怕别人笑话她的子女。 说起外孙,老人的话多了起来,“外孙很听话,现在都工作了。”老人说,节假日时特别想念女儿和外孙们,呆在家里盼望着女儿和外孙们会来看她。不过,老人很少等来女儿和外孙,一到节日,看着别人一家聚在一起,她就躲在家里偷偷抹泪…… 老人说,自己改嫁河北后,户口跟着迁了过去。回到重庆后,由于没有户口,一直没能吃上低保。记者找到当地的归元寺社区居委会,但由于是周末,办公室没人。记者试图联系老人的子女,但老人记不得电话,并且也找不到女儿的家了。 “平时大家送一些水果和蔬菜。”邻居李任远说,老人在这里住了4年,擦了4年皮鞋,从来没有见人来看过她。
本文网址:http://www.backchina.com/news/2009/2/9/28394.html 八旬擦鞋老太每逢节日就抹泪 不愿累及子女而租房独居,因户口曾迁外地而吃不了低保 昨天清晨,天刚蒙蒙亮,80岁的胡绍倾喝了一口白开水,从床下拖出破旧的擦鞋箱,摸索着出门了。她要去大街上擦鞋,这样才能缴纳每月80元的房租,才能养活自己。 “要过大年了,争取多擦几双,买点好吃的去看儿子。”看到街坊邻里窗台上挂着的年货,胡绍倾想起了还住在精神病医院的二儿子宏祖云。
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老人正在艰难地干活 记者 扬帆 摄 76岁去擦鞋 胡绍倾的鞋摊摆在渝中区七星岗上三八街2-4号小巷里。 她把行头铺开,将家里唯一的一张椅子放在鞋箱旁,用衣袖擦干净后,自己蜷坐在小塑料凳上,等待顾客。 胡绍倾告诉记者,她原本住在较场口老瓷器街3号,丈夫1981年去世。到了上世纪90年代,看到儿女们都安了家,她经邻居介绍改嫁到河北。在河北生活3年半后,丈夫病逝,料理完丈夫的后事后,她登上了回重庆的火车----这里有她的儿女。 也许是命运捉弄,胡绍倾说,2004年,大儿子宏祖权因肺癌去世了,她还没有从白发人送黑发人的悲痛中走出来,二儿子宏祖云又得了精神病,生活不能自理。无奈之下,她和女儿将宏祖云送到了大溪沟精神病医院。 老人说,三女此后患了子宫癌,“已动了两次手术,还没有治好。”她说,三女家条件并不富裕,幺女又没有工作,考虑到不能给女儿增加负担,她决定靠自己的双手养活自己。 4年前,老人在上三八街2-4号小巷里摆起了鞋摊,那时,她已76岁。 半年没吃一顿肉 昨天上午,记者在擦鞋摊前见到了满头银发的胡绍倾。老人身高不到1.55米,很瘦,岁月在她脸上留下深深的印记,眉骨也凸了出来。看到老人这么大的岁数,一个顾客擦完鞋后,付了10元钱,老人赶紧将自己的手在衣服上擦擦,握住对方的手连声感谢。 小巷深处,一间老旧楼房的过道上,用木板隔出了不到6平方米的小房间,这里就是胡绍倾的家。除去一张床、一个小吊灯和一个电饭煲,屋里再无值钱东西。 “你们应该多来看看她。上次吃肉都是半年前了。”邻居李庭秀以为记者是老人的家人,凑上前来说,半年前,她见老人饭里没有一点油水,将一碗红烧肉给她端来。她后来才知道,那以后,老人一直没吃过肉。 “婆婆,这肉怎么不吃啊?”记者见到吊灯下挂着两块腊肉。老人吹了吹肉上的灰尘:“这是邻居送的,我要再存两天。等到过大年那天了,做了给儿子送去。” 一到节日就抹泪 “婆婆,春节放火炮了吗?”有围观的市民问。老人没有回答,转过头去偷偷抹泪。“她们条件也不好……”她的嘴唇颤抖着,声音很低。她不想让邻居听到,她怕别人笑话她的子女。 说起外孙,老人的话多了起来,“外孙很听话,现在都工作了。”老人说,节假日时特别想念女儿和外孙们,呆在家里盼望着女儿和外孙们会来看她。不过,老人很少等来女儿和外孙,一到节日,看着别人一家聚在一起,她就躲在家里偷偷抹泪…… 老人说,自己改嫁河北后,户口跟着迁了过去。回到重庆后,由于没有户口,一直没能吃上低保。记者找到当地的归元寺社区居委会,但由于是周末,办公室没人。记者试图联系老人的子女,但老人记不得电话,并且也找不到女儿的家了。 “平时大家送一些水果和蔬菜。”邻居李任远说,老人在这里住了4年,擦了4年皮鞋,从来没有见人来看过她。
本文网址:http://www.backchina.com/news/2009/2/9/28434.html 一、牛奶越浓越好 有家长认为,牛奶越浓,孩子得到的营养就越多,这是不科学的。所谓过浓牛奶,是指在牛奶中多加奶粉少加水,使牛奶的浓度超出正常的比例标准。也有的家长惟恐新鲜牛奶太淡,便在其中加奶粉。其实,婴幼儿喝的牛奶浓淡应该与孩子的年龄成正比,其浓度要按月龄逐渐递增,即便是1个月以内的新生儿,牛奶中掺水的比例也应根据消化情况逐步减少。如果婴幼儿常吃过浓牛奶,会引起腹泻、便秘、食欲不振,甚至拒食,久而久之,体重非但不能增加,还会引起急性出血性小肠炎。这是因为婴幼儿脏器娇嫩,受不起过重的负担与压力。奶粉冲得过浓,或者在新鲜牛奶中掺入奶粉,其营养成分浓度升高,超过了婴幼儿的胃肠道消化吸收限度,不但消化不了,还可能损伤消化器官。所以,如果以牛奶喂养婴幼儿,应视牛奶的质量、孩子的年龄来决定加水多少。 二、加糖越多越好 不加糖的牛奶不好消化,是许多家长的“共识”。加糖是为了增加碳水化合物所供给的热量,但必须定量,一般是每100毫升牛奶加5~8克糖。如果加糖过多,对婴幼儿的生长发育有弊无利。过多的糖进入婴儿体内,会将水分潴留在身体中,使肌肉和皮下组织变得松软无力。这样的婴儿看起来很胖,但身体的抵抗力很差,医学上称之为“泥膏型”体形。过多的糖贮存在体内,还会成为一些疾病的危险因素,如龋齿、近视、动脉硬化等。牛奶里加什么糖好呢?最好是蔗糖。蔗糖进入消化道被消化液分解后,变成葡萄糖被人体吸收。有的家长专门给孩子买葡萄糖,这大可不必。葡萄糖甜度低,用多了又容易超过规定范围,而且孩子还会因不甜而拒食。还有一个何时加糖的问题。有些家长把糖与牛奶加在一起加热,这样牛奶中的赖氨酸就会与糖在高温下(80℃~100℃)产生反应,生成有害物质糖基赖氨酸。这种物质不仅不会被人体吸收,还会危害健康,尤其对小儿危害更大。因此,应先把煮开的牛奶晾到温热(40℃~50℃)时,再将糖放入牛奶中溶解。 三、牛奶加巧克力 有家长以为,既然牛奶属高蛋白食品,巧克力又是能源食品,二者同时吃一定大有益处。事实并非如此。液体的牛奶加上巧克力会使牛奶中的钙与巧克力中的草酸产生化学反应,生成“草酸钙”。于是,本来具有营养价值的钙,变成了对人体有害的物质,从而导致缺钙、腹泻、少年儿童发育推迟、毛发干枯、易骨折以及增加尿路结石的发病率等。 四、牛奶服药一举两得 有人认为,用有营养的东西送服药物肯定有好处,其实这是极端错误的。牛奶能够明显地影响人体对药物的吸收速度,使血液中药物的浓度较相同的时间内非牛奶服药者明显偏低。用牛奶服药还容易使药物表明形成覆盖膜,使牛奶中的钙与镁等矿物质离子与药物发生化学反应,生成非水溶性物质,这不仅降低了药效,还可能对身体造成危害。所以,在服药前后各1~2小时内最好不要喝牛奶。 五、用酸奶喂养婴儿 酸奶是一种有助于消化的健康饮料,有的家长常用酸奶喂食婴儿。然而,酸奶中的乳酸菌生成的抗生素,虽然能抑制很多病原菌的生长,但同时也破坏了对人体有益的正常菌群的生长条件,还会影响正常的消化功能,尤其是患胃肠炎的婴幼儿及早产儿,如果喂食他们酸奶,可能会引起呕吐和坏疽性肠炎。
本文网址:http://www.backchina.com/news/2009/2/9/28434.html 一、牛奶越浓越好 有家长认为,牛奶越浓,孩子得到的营养就越多,这是不科学的。所谓过浓牛奶,是指在牛奶中多加奶粉少加水,使牛奶的浓度超出正常的比例标准。也有的家长惟恐新鲜牛奶太淡,便在其中加奶粉。其实,婴幼儿喝的牛奶浓淡应该与孩子的年龄成正比,其浓度要按月龄逐渐递增,即便是1个月以内的新生儿,牛奶中掺水的比例也应根据消化情况逐步减少。如果婴幼儿常吃过浓牛奶,会引起腹泻、便秘、食欲不振,甚至拒食,久而久之,体重非但不能增加,还会引起急性出血性小肠炎。这是因为婴幼儿脏器娇嫩,受不起过重的负担与压力。奶粉冲得过浓,或者在新鲜牛奶中掺入奶粉,其营养成分浓度升高,超过了婴幼儿的胃肠道消化吸收限度,不但消化不了,还可能损伤消化器官。所以,如果以牛奶喂养婴幼儿,应视牛奶的质量、孩子的年龄来决定加水多少。 二、加糖越多越好 不加糖的牛奶不好消化,是许多家长的“共识”。加糖是为了增加碳水化合物所供给的热量,但必须定量,一般是每100毫升牛奶加5~8克糖。如果加糖过多,对婴幼儿的生长发育有弊无利。过多的糖进入婴儿体内,会将水分潴留在身体中,使肌肉和皮下组织变得松软无力。这样的婴儿看起来很胖,但身体的抵抗力很差,医学上称之为“泥膏型”体形。过多的糖贮存在体内,还会成为一些疾病的危险因素,如龋齿、近视、动脉硬化等。牛奶里加什么糖好呢?最好是蔗糖。蔗糖进入消化道被消化液分解后,变成葡萄糖被人体吸收。有的家长专门给孩子买葡萄糖,这大可不必。葡萄糖甜度低,用多了又容易超过规定范围,而且孩子还会因不甜而拒食。还有一个何时加糖的问题。有些家长把糖与牛奶加在一起加热,这样牛奶中的赖氨酸就会与糖在高温下(80℃~100℃)产生反应,生成有害物质糖基赖氨酸。这种物质不仅不会被人体吸收,还会危害健康,尤其对小儿危害更大。因此,应先把煮开的牛奶晾到温热(40℃~50℃)时,再将糖放入牛奶中溶解。 三、牛奶加巧克力 有家长以为,既然牛奶属高蛋白食品,巧克力又是能源食品,二者同时吃一定大有益处。事实并非如此。液体的牛奶加上巧克力会使牛奶中的钙与巧克力中的草酸产生化学反应,生成“草酸钙”。于是,本来具有营养价值的钙,变成了对人体有害的物质,从而导致缺钙、腹泻、少年儿童发育推迟、毛发干枯、易骨折以及增加尿路结石的发病率等。 四、牛奶服药一举两得 有人认为,用有营养的东西送服药物肯定有好处,其实这是极端错误的。牛奶能够明显地影响人体对药物的吸收速度,使血液中药物的浓度较相同的时间内非牛奶服药者明显偏低。用牛奶服药还容易使药物表明形成覆盖膜,使牛奶中的钙与镁等矿物质离子与药物发生化学反应,生成非水溶性物质,这不仅降低了药效,还可能对身体造成危害。所以,在服药前后各1~2小时内最好不要喝牛奶。 五、用酸奶喂养婴儿 酸奶是一种有助于消化的健康饮料,有的家长常用酸奶喂食婴儿。然而,酸奶中的乳酸菌生成的抗生素,虽然能抑制很多病原菌的生长,但同时也破坏了对人体有益的正常菌群的生长条件,还会影响正常的消化功能,尤其是患胃肠炎的婴幼儿及早产儿,如果喂食他们酸奶,可能会引起呕吐和坏疽性肠炎。
Friday, February 6, 2009
Apple Keeps You Healthy
Yup, you got it – keeps the doctor away. According to a study from Cornell University, this saying is more than just cliché – it’s actually true. The high levels of antioxidants found in apples, quercitin in particular, help cells resist damage from free radicals, which can otherwise destroy healthy cell membranes and tissues. While many fruits and vegetables contain free radical-fighting antioxidants, the results of Cornell’s study showed that quercitin is actually more powerful than antioxidants like vitamin C. Apples are also a rich source of the soluble fiber pectin, which helps you feel fuller longer and keeps your appetite at bay. Pectin also helps regulate fat and cholesterol absorption and promotes blood sugar balance in diabetics. And, because they’re low in calories, eating apples in place of high-calorie snacks can help you to lose weight. Noshing on a crunchy apple will also help to remove plaque from your teeth. Wow, could there be a more beneficial fruit? The moral of this story: Aim for an apple a day and keep not only the doctor but also the free radicals, hunger, fat, cholesterol, diabetes, and weight gain away!
食品科技网 2009-02-05 22:27:28
食品科技网 2009-02-05 22:27:28
Sunday, February 1, 2009
对我们中国人来讲 健康长寿不能不吃的20种食物
对我们中国人来讲 健康长寿不能不吃的20种食物
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