Monday, March 30, 2009




大量的临床医学和研究资料证实,晚餐经常进食荤食的人比经常进食素食的人血脂要高3~4 倍。而患高血脂、高血压的人,如果晚餐经常进食荤食,等于火上加油,使病情加重或恶化。

中老年人如果长期晚餐过饱,反复刺激胰岛素大量分泌,往往造成胰岛素B 细胞负担加重,进而衰竭,诱发糖尿病。






Thursday, March 26, 2009


国际在线 2009-03-26 00:11:29

Wednesday, March 25, 2009






邵华原名张少华,父亲陈振亚原是彭德怀部属的一个连长。1937年冬天,陈振亚和张文秋结婚,当时张文秋带着一个小女儿,她就是刘思齐。 1938年秋,张文秋生下一个女孩,陈振亚给女儿取乳名“安安”,学名随母姓叫张少华(即邵华)。后来在迪化(乌鲁木齐)陈振亚和毛泽民等革命者一起被盛世才残害。不久,张文秋生下了遗腹子第三个女儿少林。  新中国成立不久,姐姐刘思齐和毛岸英结婚了,几乎每个周末都要去中南海看望父亲毛泽东。11岁的邵华总是吵着要一起去见毛主席。


1959年,邵华考进了北京大学中文系。博览群书的毛泽东非常关心她的读书情况,和她在文学上成了“论友”。在谈到曹操父子时,毛泽东说:“我喜欢曹操的诗。曹操的诗词,直抒胸臆,豁达洒脱,应当学习。比如他的《龟虽寿》、《短歌行》、《观沧海》等篇章,更是脍炙人口。”  毛泽东非常推崇李白,认为李白的诗“文采奇异,气势磅礴,有脱俗之风。”在评论白居易时,他说:《琵琶行》不但文采好,描写得逼真细腻,难得的是作家对琵琶演奏者的态度是平等的,白诗的高明处在于此而不在他。同时,毛泽东还谈到了王昌龄、陆游、辛弃疾这些人的边塞诗,并把王昌龄的《从军行》等亲笔写给在座的儿女们。  


在谈论《西游记》时,毛泽东对孙悟空不畏艰险、敢于同一切妖魔鬼怪作斗争的精神和善于识别正义和邪恶的洞察力,以及不达目的决不罢休的可贵品格和顽强毅力十分称赞。  当谈到《聊斋志异》时,毛泽东认为《小谢》是一篇好文章,反映了个性解放的强烈要求,并说《聊斋志异》中那些善良的“狐仙”要多些就好了。  


劝儿媳多读《上邪》  1960年,37岁的毛岸青和邵华在大连结婚。  谁家没有一本难念的经呢?毛泽东家也不例外。而毛岸青和邵华的婚后生活自然总有一些不如意的事情发生。再加上岸青的精神不能经受一点刺激,小夫妻之间自然而然就不可避免地发一些小脾气。  对这一切,毛泽东十分理解邵华。毛泽东于1962年5月2日离京南下,7月6日才回到北京。在接到毛岸青和邵华两人要分别给他写信的消息后,匆匆行程中的毛泽东在6月3日上午7时给邵华回了一封信——  你好!有信。拿来,想看。要好生养病,立志奔前程,女儿气要少些,加一点男儿气,为社会做一番事业,企予望之。《上邪》一篇,要多读。余不尽。  父亲  六月三日上午七时  令人奇怪的是,这封家书毛泽东没有写抬头,这也是毛泽东家书中惟一没有抬头的信件。家书中,毛泽东首先劝慰儿媳邵华“要好生养病,立志奔前程 ”,而且“女儿气要少些,加一点男儿气”,希望邵华勇敢地面对生活中、学习上暂时的困难和挫折,要有一股不服输、不怕苦和战胜困难的精神,要有“谁说女子不如男”的英雄气,只有这样才能“为社会做一番事业”,这是毛泽东所“企予望之”的。“《上邪》一篇,要多读。”七个字,笔力千钧,意味深长。  《上邪》乃汉朝民歌《饶歌》第十六曲。“邪”即“耶”。全词为:“上邪!我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝!”  这是一个女子对爱人的山盟海誓。意思是说:“苍天啊!我对你发誓,我和我的爱人相亲相爱,我们的爱情永远没有断绝的时候!只有到了山夷为平地,江水干枯,冬天雷声阵阵,夏天雨雪纷纷,天地合而为一的时候,我才敢决定与您断绝关系!”诗中列举了五种不可能出现的自然现象,来比喻女子对爱情的忠贞不渝和坚定不移。  



Saturday, March 21, 2009

You Need Some R&R

You Need Some R&R
Saturday, March 21, 2009

One of the most crucial aspects of a well-designed fitness plan is rest. Not only does it help your muscles recover from your workout, relaxation also gives your mind a much-needed break. When you relax, you turn on your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). This nervous system is the opposite of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which governs your actions during the typical week. All too often we spend most of the work week in a state of agitation, with our fight-or-flight response – a function of the SNS – in full-on battle mode. You must turn off your SNS and turn on your PNS from time to time. If you don’t, you’re headed for burnout. You’ll feel irritable and fatigued. And when you’re tired, you won’t want to exercise. So in a whacky way, allowing yourself periods of rest will actually help you stick to your workouts. You may feel guilty relaxing at first, but when such thoughts pop into your head, just use the oops technique. Say “oops” out loud, and then return to lounging in your hammock.
Your coach,Jorge Cruise
For information on Jorge's newest program and to get a free copy of his new Belly Fat Cure Report, visit

Thursday, March 19, 2009




10 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

10 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally
Thursday, March 19, 2009

What’s the nation’s No. 1 killer? Heart disease. It causes one death every 35 seconds. So protect your heart with these 10 tips to reduce cholesterol from Janet Bond Brill, a registered dietitian and author of Cholesterol Down (Three Rivers Press). Plus, test your heart attack risk...
Cholesterol and Heart DiseaseWhat’s cholesterol? It’s a type of lipid or fat. In our bodies, it travels through our blood stream in particles called lipoproteins. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are bad cholesterol because they can lead to a buildup of plaque in arteries.
A mass of plaque can narrow your arteries and restrict blood flow – much like trying to sip juice through a clogged straw. Eventually, the plaque ruptures and a blood clot forms, cutting off the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
Hello, heart attack and stroke!
High-density lipoproteins (HDL), on the other hand, are good cholesterol because they pick up the LDL clogging your arteries and take it to the liver, where it’s processed and eventually excreted.
Chow Down“Lowering your cholesterol reduces your risk of contracting heart disease and dying from a heart attack,” Brill says.
What you eat can affect the amounts of HDL and LDL flowing through your bloodstream, and Brill has a cholesterol-lowering eating plan that’s tasty and effective.
“My diet is about what you can eat – not what you can’t” she says.
What’s on her list? Try these 8 super-foods:
(Aim to eat all eight daily, and heed the two bonus tips as well. If you follow only half the steps, you’ll only get half the benefits.)

1. OatmealOats are rich in beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that acts like a sponge to soak up cholesterol.
How to sneak it in: Add cinnamon or dried cranberries to your morning oatmeal for a flavor boost. Oat-bran is a highly concentrated source of beta-glucan, and it’s easy to mix into homemade bread, muffin and pancake batter.
Brill’s daily Rx: 3 grams of beta-glucan, found in a half cup of dry oatmeal or oat bran.

2. AlmondsAlmonds contain two powerful antioxidants – vitamin E and flavonoids – which prevent the oxidation of LDL, a precursor to plaque buildup.
How to sneak it in: Eat almonds with their skins, which pack a hefty dose of flavonoids. Stir a handful into yogurt or spread two tablespoons of almond butter on whole-wheat bread.
Brill’s daily Rx: One ounce of dry-roasted, unsalted almonds.

3. FlaxseedsFlaxseeds contain lignan and soluble fiber, which block the production of LDL and increase your body’s ability to get rid of cholesterol.
How to sneak it in: Eat ground flaxseeds rather than whole ones, because your body can better absorb its nutrients. Brill likes to sprinkle them in her morning bowl of oatmeal.
Brill’s daily Rx: 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds.

4. GarlicGarlic impedes the liver’s ability to make cholesterol.
How to sneak it in: Chop garlic into small pieces to release its flavor. Sauté it with steamed spinach, add it to sauces and soups or purée roasted garlic with cooked potatoes and olive oil for a heart-healthy version of everybody’s favorite: mashed potatoes.
Brill’s daily Rx: One clove and one Kyolic One Per Day Cardiovascular aged garlic extract supplement.

5. Phytosterol-Containing FoodsPhytosterols are a fat found in plant foods such as fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. They interfere with cholesterol absorption by blocking it from your intestinal cells.
How to sneak it in: Even a vegetarian diet provides no more than 300 to 400 mg of plant sterols a day, well below Brill’s recommendation. Supplement this with foods containing added phytosterols – chocolate bars, margarine, cheese, granola bars and cookies, to name a few – but keep an eye on saturated fat and trans-fat content.
Brill’s daily Rx: 2 to 3 grams of phytosterols a day spread over two meals.

6. ApplesApples, particularly the skin and outer flesh, are rich in polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that help prevent plaque buildup.
How to sneak it in: Chop, slice or dice ’em, but leave the peel on for maximum health benefits.
Brill’s daily Rx: One apple a day – to keep the doctor away, of course.

7. BeansBeans contain a special type of soluble fiber that’s fermented in the colon. Healthy bacteria eat the fiber and bean sugars to form short-chain fatty acids, which travel to the liver and hinder LDL cholesterol production.
How to sneak it in: Brill loves Adzuki beans, which are used in Japan to make sweet red bean paste. She also recommends cannelloni beans (try them in Tuscan soups, a type of Italian bean-based soup) and kidney beans, perfect in Southwestern chili.
Brill’s daily Rx: 1/2 cup of legumes (beans, peas or lentils).

8. Soy ProteinSoy protein contains phytoestrogens – compounds that increase the number and effectiveness of LDL cholesterol receptors, improving the liver’s ability to get rid of cholesterol in your bloodstream.
How to sneak it in: Order a soy latte at your favorite coffeehouse, throw tofu into a fruit smoothie, use soy flour when baking, or mix a handful of roasted soy nuts with dried fruit for an energy-boosting trail mix.
Brill’s daily Rx: 20–25 grams.
Diet isn’t your only defense against cholesterol.
“Every step works to lower cholesterol in a specific way,” Brill says. “By combining them all, you get an extremely powerful LDL-lowering multi-pronged approach.”
Here are two of her favorite non-food-related tips:

9. Take Metamucil (Psyllium Husk)Metamucil contains psyllium husk, a fiber that blocks cholesterol from entering your intestinal cells. It’s “the most powerful LDL-lowering viscous soluble fiber in existence,” Brill says. This fiber soaks up cholesterol so you excrete it rather than absorb it into your intestinal cells.
How to sneak it in: Adults should consume 10 to 25 grams of soluble fiber a day, advises the National Cholesterol Education Program, but most get only 3 to 4 grams.
Brill says you should get half your fiber from a supplement and the rest from food. Take half your daily dose of Metamucil before breakfast and half after dinner to avoid overloading your body on fiber, which can cause gas, constipation or even diarrhea.
Brill’s daily Rx: Work up to 12 capsules a day, for a total of 6 grams of psyllium husk.
Or use the powdered version, which you can mix into water. It varies by product, but most Metamucil powders contain 3.4 grams of psyllium husk per serving.

10. Work Up a SweatBrisk exercise speeds up blood flow in your arteries, reducing your chances of inflammation and clogging (two precursors to hardening of your arteries).
How to sneak it in: You don’t have to hit the gym to get some exercise. Clip on a pedometer while you run errands and aim for 10,000 steps a day.
Brill’s daily Rx: 30 minutes of exercise.
Each of the foods and tips mentioned play a crucial role in lowering your cholesterol and keeping your body healthy.
For more on their benefits, and for delicious recipes and meal plans (you'll love the walnut-crusted salmon), get a copy of Cholesterol Down and check out
For more information on cholesterol, visit our Heart Disease Health Center. Are You on the Road to a Heart Attack?Every 20 seconds, someone in the United States suffers a heart attack. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country and contributes to the 1.5 million heart attacks that strike each year. Will you become a statistic? Find out if your ticker is a time bomb with this heart attack quiz.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



  14。性格活跃。刊登于《心理学家》杂志的一项研究称,有大约17%的美国人性格比较活跃,这些人比沉闷的人更为健康。▲ (杨孝文)

Sunday, March 15, 2009




Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Balanced diet

Chicken, beef, potatoes, pasta, cereal, salad. With an endless array of food options out there, how do you know what to eat for a balanced diet? It’s easier than you think! Let me simplify it for you. You should eat a combination of three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrate and fat. All of these nutrients help keep your body in tip-top shape. Aim to get about 40% of your calories from protein, 40% from carbohydrates and 20% from fat. You don’t have to divide every meal so specifically, but when you tally up your caloric budget at day’s end, you should be as close to a 40/40/20 ratio as possible. And be sure to eat the good types of fat: unsaturated and omega-3 fats. Unsaturated fats are found in olive, sunflower and other oils, and omega-3 fatty acids are found in flaxseed products, fatty cold water fish such as salmon and tuna, avocados, nuts, seeds, almonds, and soybeans.

Cancer prevention: 7 steps to reduce your risk

Cancer prevention: 7 steps to reduce your risk

Small changes in your everyday life might help reduce your risk of cancer.
You've probably heard conflicting reports in the news about what can or can't help you in terms of cancer prevention. The issue of cancer prevention gets confusing — sometimes what's recommended in one report is advised against in another. What you can be sure of when it comes to cancer prevention is that making small changes to your everyday life might help reduce your chances of getting cancer. Try these seven cancer prevention steps.

Cancer prevention step 1: Don't use tobacco

All types of tobacco put you on a collision course with cancer. Rejecting tobacco, or deciding to stop using it, is one of the most important health decisions you can make. It's also an important part of cancer prevention.
Smoking has been linked to several types of cancer, including:
Voice box (larynx)
Chewing tobacco has been linked to multiple types of cancer, including:
Inhaled chewing tobacco (snuff) may increase the risk of cancers, including:
Even if you don't smoke, avoid exposure to secondhand smoke. Being around others who are smoking may increase your risk of lung cancer.
Chewing tobacco: Not a risk-free alternative to cigarettes
Secondhand smoke: Avoid dangers in the air you breathe
Cigar smoking: Safer than cigarette smoking?
Hookah smoking: Is it safer than cigarettes?

Cancer prevention step 2: Eat a variety of healthy foods

Though making healthy selections at the grocery store and at mealtime can't guarantee you won't get cancer, it may help reduce your risk.
The American Cancer Society recommends that you:
Eat an abundance of foods from plant-based sources. Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. In addition, eat other foods from plant sources, such as whole grains and beans, several times a day. Replacing high-calorie foods in your diet with fruits and vegetables may help you lose weight or maintain your weight. A diet high in fruits and vegetables has been linked to a reduced risk of cancers of the colon, esophagus, lung and stomach.
Limit fat. Eat lighter and leaner by choosing fewer high-fat foods, particularly those from animal sources. High-fat diets tend to be higher in calories and may increase the risk of overweight or obesity, which can, in turn, increase cancer risk.
Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all. Your risk of cancers, including mouth, throat, esophagus, kidney, liver and breast cancers, increases with the amount of alcohol you drink and the length of time you've been drinking regularly. Even a moderate amount of drinking — two drinks a day if you're a man or one drink a day if you're a woman, and one drink a day regardless of your sex if you're over 65 — may increase your risk.
Healthy diet: End the guesswork with these nutrition guidelines
Alcohol use: Why moderation is key

Cancer prevention step 3: Stay active and maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly also may play a role in cancer prevention. Being overweight or obese may increase your risk of cancers of the breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, stomach and uterus. Physical activity can help you avoid obesity by controlling your weight. Physical activity on its own may also lower your risk of cancers of the breast, colon, prostate and uterus.
Try to be physically active for 30 minutes or more on most days of the week. Once you achieve that goal, adding more exercise to your day may reduce your risk of certain cancers further.
Your exercise sessions can include such low-key activities as brisk walking, raking the yard or even ballroom dancing. Safe exercise programs are available for just about everyone. Your doctor or physical therapist can help design one for you.
Fitness programs: 5 steps to getting started

Cancer prevention step 4: Protect yourself from the sun

Skin cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer — and one of the most preventable. Although repeated exposure to X-rays or contact with certain chemicals can play a role, sun exposure is by far the most common cause of skin cancer.
Most skin cancer occurs on exposed parts of your body, including your face, hands, forearms and ears. Nearly all skin cancer is treatable if you detect it early, but it's better to prevent it in the first place. Try these tips:
Avoid peak radiation hours. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation peaks between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Minimize or avoid being outside during these hours.
Stay in the shade. If you go outside, minimize your sun exposure by staying in the shade.
Cover exposed areas. Wear light-colored, loosefitting clothing that protects you from the sun's rays. Use tightly woven fabrics that cover your arms and legs, and wear a broad-brimmed hat that covers your head and ears.
Don't skimp on sunscreen. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15.
Don't use indoor tanning beds or sunlamps. These also can damage your skin. There's no such thing as a healthy tan.
Skin cancer
Sunscreen: Answers to your burning questions
Tanning beds: Safer than the sun?

Cancer prevention step 5: Get immunized

Certain cancers are associated with viral infections that can be prevented with immunizations. Talk to your doctor about immunization against:
Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B can increase your risk of developing liver cancer. Vaccination is recommended for all babies in the United States. Certain high-risk adults also may need to be vaccinated.
Human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that can lead to cervical cancer. The vaccine that protects against two cancer-causing types of HPV is recommended for girls ages 11 to 12. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that the HPV vaccine be given to girls and women ages 13 to 26 who haven't completed the full vaccine series.
Talk to your doctor about whether you would benefit from immunizations to reduce your risk of cancer.
Vaccines for adults: Which ones should you get?
Cervical cancer vaccine: Who needs it, how it works

Cancer prevention step 6: Avoid risky behaviors

Reduce your risk of certain cancers by avoiding risky behaviors that can lead to infections that may increase your risk of cancer. Viruses transmitted sexually or by sharing contaminated needles include:
HPV. HPV is most often associated with cervical cancer. But HPV may also increase the risk of cancers of the anus, penis, throat, vulva and vagina. The more sexual partners you have in your lifetime, the more likely you are to have HPV.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). People with HIV or AIDS have an increased risk of anal cancer, cervical cancer, liver cancer, lymphoma and Kaposi's sarcoma. People with multiple sexual partners and intravenous (IV) drug users who share needles have an increased risk of HIV.
Hepatitis B and C. Chronic hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection can increase your risk of liver cancer. Both forms of hepatitis can be passed through sexual contact with an infected person or sharing needles with an infected drug user.
Reduce your risk of these cancers by avoiding risky behaviors. Abstain from sex or use condoms and limit the number of sexual partners you have. Never share needles. Seek help for your addiction if you use drugs.

Cancer prevention step 7: Get screened

Regular screening and self-examination for certain cancers may not prevent cancer, but it can increase your chances of discovering cancer early — when treatment is more likely to be successful. Screening should include your skin, mouth, colon and rectum. If you're a man, it should also include your prostate and testes. If you're a woman, include cervix and breast cancer screening on your list. Be aware of changes in your body — this may help you detect cancer early, increasing your chances of successful treatment. If you notice any changes, see your doctor.

Sunday, March 8, 2009







Monday, March 2, 2009


准备再饿上七年 2009年03月03日05:10 钱江晚报
  本报讯 “比赛之前我都吃得很少,只有饿着我才能有动力,吃得太饱人就会变得慵懒。”昨天下午,伊辛巴耶娃在和李宁的签约仪式上再次抛出她著名的“饥饿论”,虽然她刚刚和赞助商敲定了5年750万美元的巨额合同。在观众看来,伊娃的话或许只能当作玩笑来看,其实真正饥饿的是她那渴望胜利的内心,“我之前说过要在伦敦奥运会后退役,现在我改变了看法,我要跳到2016年。”
  如今的横杆停在5米05的高度上,可撑竿跳女皇的极限到底在哪里?“我认为自己能够跳过5米20的高度,5米30也是有可能的。因为技术上是没有问题的,究竟能跳多高还要看我的身体状况。我收回伦敦奥运会后退役的说法,要坚持到2016年。到那个时候我就很老了,想跳也跳不动了。”本报特约记者 葛晓倩