Wednesday, December 16, 2009



送交者: 幻安 2009年12月13日22:12:16 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话


















Sunday, December 13, 2009

苹果皮可抗癌 喝绿茶脑力好

美国《预防》杂志:苹果皮可抗癌 喝绿茶脑力好

倍可亲(   美国发行量最大的保健杂志《预防》日前提出生活中16种简单易行的保健方法,其中包括吃苹果不削皮、坚持喝绿茶、每天吃一个鸡蛋以及常与爱人亲吻等。








Saturday, December 5, 2009




















Friday, December 4, 2009






有朋友问,你上述几症的病因,好像与你说的“三浊”没什么关系。其实不然,“三浊”是内生疾病的总源头,如果能及时排除它们,便无后面所论分支疾患,即使偶然产生也会很快自愈,从而气旺血足,则百病不生。人体虽天然有强大的自愈能力,但往往因为“三浊”作怪而难启动自愈的程序,所以清除“三浊” 是治病于未萌的根本。事有先后,病有缓急,急就先治其标,救急要紧;缓当必求其本,长治久安。
















Sunday, November 8, 2009

103岁老和尚出家81年 10年抄“血经”20部

103岁老和尚出家81年 10年抄“血经”20部


 本焕老和尚身着薄衫,满脸慈祥与微笑,憨态可掬的面容中散发着童真…… 记者 邓勃 摄  103岁,出家81年,禅宗尊宿本焕今天在深圳弘法寺喜迎“3岁”生日,他接受本报采访爆“秘闻”  连续“不倒单”91天不睡不倒  今天,11月7日,是禅宗尊宿本焕长老103岁诞辰日。  

每日食品  白粥+炒素面+清淡素菜:拍黄瓜、油菜心、橄榄菜、黄豆粒等  

为母作诗  死别诚难忍,生离实亦伤。子出山关外,母忆在他乡。日夜心相随,流泪数千行。如猿泣爱子,寸寸断肝肠。  

长寿“秘方”  晚饭后,遛弯儿———跑香(跑步绕佛)  “跑香就是跑步绕佛,是祖师大德们留下来的规矩。坐禅坐久了,坐累了,跑一跑香,活动一下筋骨,促进全身血液循环,对身体非常有好处”。

Tuesday, November 3, 2009












(按:在存在社会不公的环境中,在最底层的人们如何学会保护自己。 类似事情屡有发生,几年以前曾见报道,某县城集市上,税收人员向一位卖猪的老太婆强征高税,老太婆跪在地上向政府税收人员哭诉求情,一跪不起,死在那里。)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

睡觉的诀窍 通常一个人睡两个钟头就够了

睡觉的诀窍 通常一个人睡两个钟头就够了


通常一个人睡两个钟头就够了,为什么有人要睡七、八个钟头?那是你赖床躺在枕头上休息的习惯养成的,并非我们需要那么久的睡眠时间,尤其打坐做功夫的人晓得,正午只要闭眼真正睡着三分钟,等于睡两个钟头,不过要对好正午的时间。夜晚则要在正子时睡着,五分钟等于六个钟头。 ¬就这个时间的学问又大了,同宇宙法则、地球法则、易经阴阳的道理有关系,而且你会感觉到,心脏下面硬是有一股力量降下来,与丹田(肾上)的力量融合,所谓“水火既济”,豁然一下,那你睡眠够了,精神百倍。 ¬所以失眠或真要夜里熬夜的人,正子时的时刻,哪怕二十分钟也一定要睡,睡不着也要训练自己睡着。 ¬过了正子时大约十二点半以后,你不会想睡了,这很糟糕。更严重的,到了天快亮,四、五点钟,五、六点卯时的时候,你又困得想睡,这时如果一睡,一天都会昏头。 ¬所以想从事熬夜工作的人,正子时,即使有天大的事也要摆下来,睡它半小时,到了卯时想睡觉千万不要睡,那一天精神就够了。 ¬不过失眠的人都挨过十二点,在床上翻来覆去睡不着,结果快天亮睡着了,到第二天下午都昏头昏脑,因此你会感觉失眠、睡眠不足,实际上是你没有经验。 ¬没想到睡眠也有这么高深的学问,我试了一下,果真如此。只在子时小睡了半小时,就起来一直到四点钟才睡,居然,六点钟就自己醒了!要是在平时,我一般是要睡到九、十点钟以后才能起来的。大家也可试试,觉得有效果就顶一下吧。) ¬一、睡眠的规则 ¬战国时名医文挚对齐威王说:“我的养生之道把睡眠放在头等位置,人和动物只有睡眠才生长,睡眠帮助脾胃消化食物,所以,所以睡眠是养生的第一大补,人一个晚上不睡觉,其损失一百天也难以恢复。晚21点到凌晨5点为有效睡眠时间。人是动物,和植物同属于生物,白天(凌晨5点到晚上21点)活动产生能量,晚上(21点到凌晨5点)开始进行细胞分裂,把能量转化为新生的细胞,是人体细胞休养生息、推陈出新的时间,也是人随着地球旋转到背向太阳的一面。阴主静,是人睡眠的良辰,此时休息,才会有良好的身体和精神状态。这和睡觉多的婴儿长得胖、长得快,而爱闹觉的孩子发育不良是一样的道理。 ¬睡觉是养生的一大功能,养就是用大量的健康细胞去取代腐败的细胞,如一夜睡不着就换不了新细胞。如果说白天消亡一百万个细胞,一晚上只补回来五十万个细胞,这时你的身体就会出现亏空,时间长了,人就糠了,像糠萝卜似的。为什么世上有百岁老人呢?因为他们每晚都在21点钟准时睡觉。 ¬ 植物吸收阳光的能量,夜里生长,所以夜晚在农村的庄稼地里可听到拔节的声音。人类和植物同属于生物,细胞分裂的时间段大致相同,错过夜里睡觉的良辰,细胞的新生远赶不上消亡,人就会过早的衰老或患病,人要顺其自然,就应跟着太阳走,即天醒我醒,天睡我睡。人在太阳面前小如微尘,“与太阳对着干”是愚蠢的选择,迟早会被太阳巨大的引力催垮。这是客观真理。 现实生活中,不少人有入睡难,睡眠质量不高的毛病。睡眠不好是一个综合性的问题,如肝火过盛,睡觉警觉;胃火过剩,睡觉不安;肝阴不足,睡觉劳累。二、睡眠与疾病 ¬ 现代的生活习惯和生活方式给人们的身体带来了很多负面影响形成“四大病”:水果病、冰箱病、电视电脑病、熬夜病。肝脏有一特点:卧则回血,坐立向外供血。 ¬子时(23:00—1:00),其实23点就是新的一天的开始,并不是0点开始的,这是我们犯的误识。肝胆相表里,互为一家,23点胆经开了,如若不睡,大伤胆气,由于十一脏腑皆取决于胆也,胆气一虚,全身脏腑功能下降,代谢力、免疫力纷纷下降,人体机能大大降低,胆气支持中枢神经,胆气受伤易患各种精神疾病,比如抑郁症、精神分裂症、强迫症、躁动症等。子时胆要更换胆汁,胆经渐旺人如不卧,胆汁更替不利,过浓而结晶成石,久之即得胆结石,如果把胆给摘了,一摘就胆怯了,全身的免疫力下降了50%以上,所以不能摘,要用它本系统的巨大潜能把它化掉。 ¬丑时肝经最旺,丑时(1:00—3:00)不眠,肝无法解除掉有毒之物,产生新鲜血液,因藏血不利,面呈青色,久之易患各类肝病,现在有些人肝不太好,特别在欧洲平均4个人就有一个大三阳或是小三阳,大都是因为违反自然规律过了子时不睡觉造成的。甲肝比较好治,乙肝就很难治。乙肝病毒携带者,是由于晚上经常不睡觉,人太虚弱了,也就是说秩序太乱了,病毒已经到了细胞里了。也就是说乙肝的病毒已经到了细胞里面,但是现在它还没有能力造成肝炎,当人身体处于最薄弱的时候就形成成肝炎,乙型肝炎就意味着将来40%——60%的肝硬化。聪明的人是应该了解天、地、人之间的关系,不聪明的人就是应该被淘汰的人。¬肝主疏泄,过子时不睡,可引起肝疏泄不利,肝气郁结,可见易怒,头痛头晕,眼红,眼痛,耳鸣,耳聋,胸肋胀痛,女性月经不调,便秘,也可引起肝气升发不足,人会目倦神疲,腰膝酸软,晕眩,失眠,惊悸,精神恍惚,重则会晕倒在大街上,不省人事。 ¬ 肝有藏血、调节血液的功能,过子时不睡,会造成肝血不足,还会引起吐血、流鼻血、皮下出血、牙龈出血、眼底出血、耳出血等出血证状。 ¬ 肝开窍于目,过子时不睡,易引起肝虚,则出现视力模糊、老花、夜盲、畏光、迎风流泪,等症状,还会形成青光眼、白内障、眼底动脉硬化、视网膜病变等眼疾。 ¬ 肝主筋,其华在爪,过子时不睡觉,会引起肝血不足,就出现筋痛,麻木,屈伸困难,痉挛抽搐,易造成灰指甲,缺钙,髌骨软化,癫痫病,骨质疏松等症。 ¬ 肝与心,过子时不睡觉,可引起肝血不足,由于心主一身之血脉,肝有储藏和调节血液的功能,会造成心脏供血不足,引起心慌、心颤等症状,严重的形成心脏病、高血压等心脑血管疾病。 ¬ 肝与脾,过子时不睡觉,会引起肝胃不和,由于肝助脾胃消化,由于肝气太虚不能助脾胃消化,使人脾胃消化功能不好,表现为舌苔厚,长期以来会造成中气塌陷。 ¬ 肝与肺,过子时不睡觉,无法滋阴潜阳,肝阴亏损,引起肝火过盛灼肺,出现干咳、或咳嗽、咳痰血等木火刑金的证状,易导致牛皮癣等各种皮肤病。 ¬ 肝与肾,过子时不睡觉,肝虚导致肾亏,由于肝肾同源,容易造成生殖系统疾病、不育、骨病、牙病、脱发、糖尿病、肾衰竭等疾病。 ¬三、睡眠的方法 ¬交通规则——你不懂就容易出事故。比如说,23点至凌晨3点为子丑时,胆肝经最活跃的时候,肝胆要回血,“躺下去回血,站起来供血”。如果你每晚22点钟左右躺下,静静得不要说话,到23点的时候,也就睡着了。肝胆开始回血,把有毒的血过滤掉,产生新鲜的血液,到一百岁也没有胆结石,也没有肝炎、囊肿一类的病。如果你天天熬夜到1点多,肝回不了血,有毒的血排不掉,新鲜的血生不成,胆又无法换胆汁,所以这些人容易得胆结石、囊肿、大三阳、小三阳各种病症。 ¬ 在欧洲地区,平均四个人就有一个肝炎病毒携带者,这就叫不懂规则。睡前半小时最好不要讲话,睡觉的时候更不要说话,如一说话,肺经动,然后心经又动,(因为心肺共为上焦)人就容易进入兴奋状态,所以就很难入睡。 ¬ 21:00—23:00为亥时。亥时三焦经旺,三焦通百脉。亥时入眠,百脉皆得濡养,故百岁老人得共同特点即21:00(亥时)之前入睡。女性若想长久的保持容颜娇好,应做到早睡早期。睡觉要关窗,不能开风扇、不能开空调,人生病很多都与此有关,因为人在睡眠之中,气血流通缓慢,体温下降,人体会在表面形成一种阳气层,这种阳气层它使人叫“鬼魅不侵”,什么意思呢,阳气足的人,不做恶梦,就是这种阳气,占了上风。开空调,开风扇,情况就不一样了,开窗户,窗户走的是风,风入的是筋,如果开空调,也有风,风入筋,寒入骨,早上起来,身上发黄,脸发黄,脖子后面那条筋发硬,骨节酸痛,甚至有人就开始发烧,这就是风和寒侵入到了筋和骨头里的缘故,这也就是气受伤了。如果说晚上睡觉不开窗,不开空调,不开风扇,连房门也关上,效果最好,如果热,把房门打开,把窗户关上,效果就差了一点,但是他不至于第二天早上起来浑身乏力,后背僵硬。 ¬有人把客厅的空调开开了,把卧室的门打开,和直接开空调睡觉是差不多的,开了空调以后,空调那个寒进了骨了,所以心里发冷,心在哪,心在脑髓,脑为髓之海,骨髓里有寒,那肯定心里就寒了,怎么办,补肾阳、补中气,什么时候补到心里不冷,烧就退了,寒走出去了。 ¬  睡觉要尽量早睡,睡得晚,伤了少阳之气,必然第二天是疲倦无力,要关上窗户,不开空调、电扇,保护阳气。 肝胆在下焦,如果胃出现问题的时候,他就会出现寝睡不安,一个是胃寒,如果这个人胃阳本来就不足,过多的喝绿茶,就会出现胃寒,胃寒的时候人是睡不好觉的,或者吃带泥沙之物过多,胃隐隐作寒,肯定是睡不好;再一个是胃热,就是热气往上走,嘴里喘的都是热气,像这种情况也睡不好觉;再一个是胃燥,口干舌燥,胃里感觉到燥; ¬ 还有一个就是胃厚,气味的味,胃厚,这种情况就是吃了这种厚腻的味道,有人吃海鲜、吃鱼、吃炖鸡,味道好鲜美,吃多了,美味不可多用,这些东西在里面要稀释它,不稀释它,它在里面味太厚了,所以这个也睡不好觉; ¬   ¬再一个腹涨,腹是涨鼓鼓的,也睡不着,翻来覆去也睡不着;再一个是胃气太虚,冒冷汗,这也睡不好觉,这些原因都可能形成胃不宁,胃不宁就睡不好。 ¬睡觉时要肢暖,四肢要暖,因为四肢是阳之本,这个大家都知道了,四肢不暖,肯定是肾阳不足,应该在睡觉之前把手脚捂暖,手脚和肚脐、背后的命门都要盖好。 ¬睡眠法因人而异,下面介绍3种做法: ¬1、睡觉前简单的压腿,然后在床上自然盘坐,两手重叠放于腿上,自然呼吸,感觉全身毛孔随呼吸一张一合,若能流泪打哈欠效果最佳,到了想睡觉时倒下便睡 ¬2、仰卧,自然呼吸,感觉呼吸像春风,先融化大脚趾,然后是其他脚趾,接着脚、小腿、大腿逐渐融化。如还未醒着,再从头做。 ¬3、入睡快的人可右侧卧,右手掌托右耳。右掌心为火,耳为水,二者形成水火即济,在人体中形成心肾相交。久之,养心滋肾。 ¬睡眠一定要早起,即使在冬天,也不可超过6点起床,春夏秋季尽量在5点之前起床,因为人在寅时(3点—5点)肺经旺的时候起床,能够使肺气得以舒展,以顺应阳气的舒长,来完成新陈代谢,肃降浊气,使肺气清,这样有助于养肺和顺应太阳的天势升起人体阳气,使人一天阳气充足,否则,就好像发动机,过了这段好时机就很难发动人体阳气,人体阳气淤积在人体下部不能由命门向上发动升起,会形成淫气,严重损害人的身心健康。 ¬早晨5点至7点是人体大肠经最旺的时候,人体需要把代谢的浊物排出体外,此时如果不起床,大肠得不到充分活动,无法很好的完成排浊功能,使浊物停留而形成毒素,危害人体血液和脏腑百骸。早晨7点到9点人体胃经最旺,9点到11点人体脾经最旺,这时人的消化吸收运化的能力最好,如果这时还不起床,人体胃酸会严重腐蚀胃粘膜,人体在最佳吸收营养时间得不到营养,长期以来会患脾胃疾病,造成营养不良、中气塌陷。所以千万不要赖床,赖床会造成头昏、疲惫不堪、睡眠不足的感觉,而应按时起床,历史上许多伟人都是有三四点钟起床的习惯,比如华盛顿、拿破仑、康熙皇帝、曾国藩等。另外早起能增加工作效益,俗话说:“三天早起,一天工”。 ¬¬现代医学证明,早睡早起的人精神压力较小,不易患精神类疾病。早晨不要太早出去锻炼,因为早晨在太阳没有出来之前,地下道的漳气、浊气正往上走(尤其是城市),这些气对人体损伤是很严重的。 ¬   养身三大事,一睡眠,二便利,三饮食,其余起居、服装等皆是辅助。 ¬三事中睡眠第一。然胃纳不和者,夜眠不安,故以通便利为第二。而饮食无节,饥饱过度者,肠胃必受伤,而营养日减。睡以安神为主,神以心安为主,应配合年龄,壮年至多七小时至八小时,多睡则智昏头晕眼红胀,四肢疲软,童年必睡足八小时,或过九小时勿碍,老或病人至多六小时已足。 ¬ 应注意: ¬(一)睡眠宜早,勿过十时,老年人以八点为正,勿过九点。凡交十一时,为阳生时,属肾,此时失眠,肾水必亏,心肾相连,水亏则火旺,最易伤神。千万勿以安眠药片助睡。 ¬ ¬(二)枕上切忌思索计算未来事,睡时宜一切不思,鼻息调匀,自己静听其气,由粗而细,由细而微细而息。视此身如无物,或如糖入于水,化为乌有,自然睡着。 ¬(三)如有思想,不能安着,切勿在枕上转侧思虑,此最耗神,可坐起一时再睡。 ¬(四)如在午时,即上午十一点至一点,为阴生之时,属心,此时如不能睡,可静坐一刻钟,闭目养神,则心气强。凡有心脏病者切宜注意,每日于此二时注意,则元气日强,无心跳腹泄或小便频速之病。 ¬(五)夏日起宜早,冬日起宜迟。居北方宜防寒气,如在粤桂等省,早起防山岚瘴气中病。食后勿仰天睡,早起如在寅时三点至五点,此时切忌郁怒,必损肺伤肝,万望注意。 ¬¬ 看完上面的日志,现在开始观想,看看宁静的大海,心情全部放松,五星级豪华酒店为你准备好了,房间你自己挑选,不需要花钱的,你现在最需要的是心的寂静,无欲无求,最好把自己也忘记了,享受大自然吧 ..................

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why moderation is key

Alcohol use: Why moderation is keyBy Mayo Clinic staff

Original Article:
Mayo Clinic Housecall

Alcohol use: Why moderation is key
Can alcohol benefit your health? It depends on how much you drink. By Mayo Clinic staff
You've likely heard to drink in moderation, but what does that mean? And why is moderation important?

Moderate alcohol use seems to offer some health benefits, particularly for the heart. But too much alcohol raises the stakes, putting you at risk of adverse health consequences.
Whether you drink is up to you and your doctor. But here are some points on alcohol consumption to consider.

Benefits of moderation

Moderate drinking is defined as two drinks a day if you're a male 65 and younger, or one drink a day if you're a female or a male 66 and older. A drink is defined as 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled spirits.
Moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits. It may:
Reduce your risk of developing heart disease, peripheral vascular disease and intermittent claudication

Reduce your risk of dying of a heart attack
Possibly reduce your risk of strokes, particularly ischemic strokes
Lower your risk of gallstones
Possibly reduce your risk of diabetes

Risks of excessive drinking

Though moderate alcohol use seems to have some health benefits, anything more than moderate drinking can negate any potential benefits. Be cautious because excessive alcohol consumption can lead to serious health problems, including:

Cancer of the pancreas, mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus and liver, as well as breast cancer
Pancreatitis, especially in people with high levels of triglycerides in their blood

Thursday, September 10, 2009

他101岁还在上班 思维敏捷工作勤奋

他101岁还在上班 思维敏捷工作勤奋

倍可亲(  101岁的杰克·波顿现在每天早晨6时30分上班,每周工作40个小时。今年8月,他获得美国2009年“最老杰出工作者”称号。  

尽管年事已高,但波顿仍然像年轻人一样思维敏捷。而且,他至今还没有退休的打算,因为在他看来,辛勤工作就是长寿的秘诀。  杰克·波顿是美国得克萨斯州威瑟福德市的一名律师。与众不同的是,他今年已经101岁高龄了,堪称是美国年龄最老的“上班族”。  

1908年8月5日,波顿出生在威瑟福德市一个贫寒家庭。从5岁开始,他就能用一把锄头帮父亲在玉米地锄草了。  大学毕业后,波顿成了威德福地区的一名助理检察官。几年后,波顿在威瑟福德市当起了律师。


如今,波顿主要帮客户打房地产和遗嘱检验方面的官司,他不仅是得克萨斯州律师协会年龄最老的执业律师,甚至可能是全美国年龄最老的执业律师。每天早上6时30分,波顿就会准时出现在办公室。  波顿现在的生活由一位看护者来照料,但除了做饭和开车之外,几乎所有的事情都由他自己来做。他的听力很好,至今未戴助听器。  



每年都要去度假  去年,波顿获得得克萨斯州年度“最老杰出工作者”称号。今年8月,波顿又荣获美国年度“最老杰出工作者”称号。尽管医生多次建议他退休,但每次都遭到拒绝。波顿称,只要身体允许,他就是坐着轮椅也要来上班。在波顿看来,辛勤工作正是他长寿的秘诀。  据悉,波顿结婚66年的妻子已先他离开人世,两人没有儿女。在他们结婚的66年中,几乎每年都要到新墨西哥州的红河胜地去度假。妻子去世后,波顿每年仍然一人孤零零地去红河胜地度假钓鱼。不过每次度假之后,他就会迫不及待地重返律师事务所上班。(阿南)

Thursday, August 27, 2009




Monday, July 13, 2009

15 个好的饮食习惯

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Niacin to boost your HDL, 'good,' cholesterol

Niacin to boost your HDL, 'good,' cholesterolBy Mayo Clinic staff
Original Article:
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Niacin to boost your HDL, 'good,' cholesterol
Niacin is an important B vitamin that may raise your HDL, "good," cholesterol. Find out if you should talk to your doctor about taking niacin alone or with cholesterol medications. By Mayo Clinic staff
Niacin, a B vitamin, has long been used to increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the "good" cholesterol. HDL cholesterol helps sweep up low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol, in your bloodstream. Although niacin is readily available and effective, it hasn't gotten much attention compared to other cholesterol drugs.
A lot of the attention regarding cholesterol has been focused on lowering your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol. That's still an important goal. But boosting your HDL level can be just as important as lowering your LDL cholesterol. Taking niacin — either by itself or along with other cholesterol-lowering medication — may help control your total cholesterol level.
What is niacin?
Niacin (nicotinic acid) is a B vitamin that's used by your body to turn carbohydrates into energy. Niacin also helps keep your nervous system, digestive system, skin, hair and eyes healthy. That's why niacin is often a part of a daily multivitamin, though most people get enough niacin from the food they eat.
You may see niacin labeled in different ways. As part of a multivitamin or supplement, it's often just referred to as niacin. When it's used as a treatment to increase your HDL cholesterol or correct a niacin deficiency, it's sold in higher doses that are prescribed by your doctor. Some common brand names of prescription niacin include:
Niacin is found in many foods, including:
Dairy products
Lean meats
Enriched breads and cereals
Niacin is also available in a variety of different forms as either prescription medication or over-the-counter supplements. However, don't take niacin — even in the over-the-counter form — without discussing it with your doctor first because niacin can cause side effects when taken in high doses.
What impact does niacin have on cholesterol?
Niacin can raise HDL — the "good" cholesterol — by 15 to 35 percent. This makes niacin the most effective drug available for raising HDL cholesterol. While niacin's effect on HDL is of most interest, it's worth noting that niacin also decreases your LDL and triglyceride levels. High levels of LDL and triglycerides are significant risk factors for heart disease.
Why is having a high HDL cholesterol level important?
HDL, or "good," cholesterol picks up excess bad cholesterol in your blood and takes it back to your liver for disposal. The higher your HDL cholesterol, the less bad cholesterol you'll have in your blood.
Cholesterol levels are measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or millimoles per liter (mmol/L):
For men, HDL levels under 40 mg/dL or 1 mmol/L increase the risk of heart disease.
For women, HDL levels under 50 mg/dL or 1.3 mmol/L increase the risk of heart disease.
An HDL level above 60 mg/dL or 1.6 mmol/L is considered ideal for men or women.
Having a low HDL level by itself is a risk factor for developing heart disease. That means even if your LDL and other risk factors are normal, having a low HDL level still increases your risk of heart disease.
What about niacin side effects, like flushing?
Niacin comes in a variety of forms, ranging from fast-acting forms to those that are longer acting. Some forms of niacin, especially in high doses — 1,000 milligrams or more — do cause temporary flushing of the skin. The flushing can make your skin redden and possibly feel warm to the touch. While annoying, this flushing isn't harmful. If you have flushing, talk to your doctor about taking an aspirin shortly before you take your niacin. Aspirin can counteract this flushing effect. Also, avoiding hot drinks and alcohol can decrease the flushing. Versions of niacin with reduced flushing effects also are available by prescription.
Other possible side effects include:
Upset stomach
Liver damage
Increased blood sugar
However, your doctor may be able to find the right dose and form of niacin that minimizes side effects. Also, taking niacin with food may help prevent side effects. Remember, don't take niacin — even in the over-the-counter form — without discussing it with your doctor first. Niacin can cause side effects when taken in high doses.
Who might consider taking niacin?
It depends. Niacin has been shown to increase HDL in otherwise healthy people who have normal LDL levels, so your doctor might suggest you take niacin, even if your LDL is relatively normal and you're healthy.
However, don't start taking niacin to raise your HDL without talking to your doctor. Niacin must usually be given at high doses to raise your HDL cholesterol, and the use of high-dose niacin needs to be monitored by your doctor to make sure it doesn't cause any harmful side effects.
Lifestyle changes are also helpful in boosting HDL. These include:
Stop smoking if you are a smoker.
Eat a healthy diet.
Start an exercise program, with your doctor's OK.
If you try steps like this and your HDL is still too low, your doctor may suggest you take niacin.
Niacin is usually given along with statins or other medications to people who have high LDL levels and low HDL. Check with your doctor before taking niacin with another medication to avoid any dangerous drug interactions. However, in general, niacin seems to work even better when used in combination with statins, drugs used to lower your LDL cholesterol. In fact, when used with some statins, niacin can increase your HDL level by 50 percent or more, as well as reduce LDL levels more than when just statins are used.
Are over-the-counter niacin supplements just as good as prescription niacin when it comes to increasing HDL cholesterol?
Possibly. Supplements sold over-the-counter (OTC) are not regulated like prescription medications. The ingredients, formulations and effect of over-the-counter niacin can vary widely. Again, it's necessary to work with your doctor if you are considering taking niacin to avoid harmful side effects.

Clean Out Your Pipes

Clean Out Your Pipes
By Jorge Cruise, Chief Diet and Fitness Expert
Published May 06, 2009

A high-fiber diet will keep your intestines running smoothly, but I also recommend following this three-step body cleanse once a week:
Step 1: For breakfast, have a shake made from psyllium seed husks. Not only is psyllium packed with fiber that will keep you regular, but it also effectively reduces cholesterol levels and suppresses hunger.
Step 2: On your body cleanse day, double your water intake. Since you’ll be increasing your fiber intake, you’ll also need to drink more water to allow smooth passage. The extra water will also help to flush toxins out of your body. Instead of the usual eight 8-ounce glasses a day, drink eight 16-ounce glasses of water.
Step 3: Choose a non-meat source of protein for lunch and dinner. Beans and lentils are naturally rich in fiber and chockfull of vitamins and minerals. You might try a bean burrito or hummus and vegetable sandwich for lunch and then beans and rice or lentil soup for dinner.
Your coach,Jorge Cruise
For information on Jorge's newest program and to get a free copy of his new Belly Fat Cure Report, visit
Got a question? Ask Jorge Cruise
Check out Health Bistro, where LifeScript editors let it all hang out. Share it with your friends (it’s free to sign up!), and bookmark it so you don’t miss a single juicy post!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


  1 正常体质:肤色润泽,唇红润,精力充沛,饮食睡眠良好,二便正常,舌淡红,脉和缓。患病较少,抵抗力较强,耐寒热,不需进补,食疗或进缓和的平补之品。

  2 阴寒体质:属寒(实)体质,平素肢冷无汗,喜暖怕凉,常腹痛腹泻,关节酸痛,口淡不渴,溲清长,舌淡苔白,脉紧或沉迟。宜患风湿关节痛,宜感寒邪,怕阴冷潮湿气候,宜温阳散寒。应食温热食物,如羊肉、生姜、桂皮等。

  3 阳虚体质:属虚寒体质。四肢多不温,怕凉喜暖,神疲,喜吃热食,睡眠偏多,便溏,尿清长,舌体胖嫩边有齿痕,苔润,脉沉迟而弱。得病多从寒化,宜患痰饮、肿胀、泄泻,阳痿等证,易感寒邪,易被湿困。耐夏不耐冬,宜用温阳补虚之品。
 4 阴虚体质:属虚热体质,形体多消瘦,心烦颧红,手足心热,午后尤甚,口燥咽干,目干涩,眩晕耳鸣,睡眠差,便干燥,舌红苔少而干,脉细数。宜患阴亏燥热的病变,怕燥热之邪,耐冬不耐夏。宜养阴补虚,甘寒退热。如百合、枸杞、麦冬、海参、西洋参等。

  5 阳热体质:属实热类型。面色多红赤,怕热喜冷,烦渴多汗,喜冷食,得病易发高热,尿黄便秘,舌红苔黄,脉数有力。得病多从热化,易患疮疡,怕热,耐冬不耐夏,宜食苦味清热的食物或饮料,如苦瓜、苦丁茶、莲子心等。

  6 气虚体质:属虚的体质,面白少华,气短懒言,易出汗,食少,易疲乏,舌淡红,舌体胖大,脉虚缓。易感冒,病后迁延不愈,内脏易下垂,不耐受风邪、寒邪、暑邪。宜食山药、莲子或太子参、黄芪、黄精等。
 7 血虚体质:面色萎黄或淡白,唇甲无华,头晕眼花,心悸怔忡,失眠健忘,或肢体麻木,舌淡脉弱。宜补气生血。用当归、熟地、龙眼肉。

  8 瘀血体质:面色多晦暗,口唇暗淡或紫,眼眶黯黑,肌肤甲错,或生症瘕,刺痛,痛处固定不移,舌体黯紫有瘀点,脉细涩或脉率不齐。易患出血,症瘕,中风,胸痹(冠心病)等病。宜活血化瘀,用山查、桃仁等。

  9 痰湿体质:体胖腹大,面部皮肤油脂较多,汗多且粘,眼胞微浮,胸闷脘痞,身重发沉,困倦,喜食肥甘粘腻之物,便溏,舌胖大多齿痕,苔白腻,脉濡滑。易患消渴(糖尿病),中风(脑血管意外),胸痹等病。对湿环境及梅雨季节的适应能力差。宜祛湿化痰。宜服薏苡仁、茯苓、赤小豆、冬瓜皮、荷叶、荷梗等。
 10 湿热体质:面垢油光,易生痤疮粉刺,身重困倦懈怠,大便粘滞不爽,男阴囊潮湿,女黄带臭秽,舌红苔黄腻,脉滑数。易患痤疮,黄疸,淋症,火热等病。对气温偏高,湿热交蒸气候难适应。食疗同痰湿体质,忌辛辣刺激食品。

  11 气郁质:神情郁闷,胸胁胀满,走窜疼痛,善太息、嗳气呃逆,咽有异物感,或乳房胀痛,痛经。易患郁症,脏躁,不寐,梅核气,惊恐等病症。对精神刺激适应能力差,应调节心态,宜服行气之品,如玫瑰花,佛手,萝卜等顺气之品。不宜进补。

Monday, May 18, 2009

How to Survive Allergy Season

How to Survive Allergy Season
By Alice Daniel, Special to LifeScript
Published May 19, 2009

Ugh, that sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes and maddening post-nasal drip, drip, drip. You need allergy relief. But with aisles of products in the drugstore, how do you know which is right for you? We turned to the experts for answers. Plus, test your allergy IQ with our quiz...
Peek into any pharmacy and you'll see hundreds of products containing antihistamines or decongestants. Some combine both – and others throw in a pain reliever as well. Do you need one? Two? All? Here’s what you need to know:
Antihistimines are the first line of allergy defense.
“When you block histamine production in the body, you cut down on the misery-causing symptoms, like sneezing, itchy eyes, itchy throat, runny nose and so forth,” says Suzy Cohen, LifeScript’s pharmacist and author of Drug Muggers and The 24-Hour Pharmacist.
Over-the-Counter Antihistamines Some popular over-the-counter anti-allergy brands include Zyrtec, Claritin, Benadryl, Chlor-Trimeton and Tavist.
The first generation of antihistamines, such as Benadryl and Chlor-Trimeton, often make people drowsy or dizzy. But doctors still recommend Benadryl because it acts quickly to quell allergic reactions, Cohen says.
Claritin and Zyrtec are two second-generation antihistamines without drowsy side effects, Cohen says. Try one and if it doesn’t work, check out the other.
The drugs are “most effective when taken before exposure, so they can sit on the histamine receptor of your cell like a pit bull in a doorway,” Cohen says. They prevent allergy triggers (like dander or pollen) from getting on the receptor and sparking all the misery.
If you have allergic reactions that are episodic, such as a sneezing fit triggered by a friend's cat, take an antihistamine about half an hour before heading over to her house.
“Claritin really helps with cat allergies," says Judy Kinzy, M.D., an internist in Knoxville, Tenn. "I take it a half-hour before I visit friends with cats and I’m fine.”
DecongestantsYou know that cotton-stuffed head feeling you get when allergies kick in? Blame that on allergens too: They can cause the tissues in your nose to swell and produce more fluid and mucus.
To reduce the swelling and the pressure, try a decongestant, such as Mucinex and Sudafed.
But beware: Allergies can sometimes weaken the immune system. If what’s coming out of your nose turns yellow or green, you might have a secondary infection and you'll need to see a doctor for antibiotics, Kinzy says.
Combination MedicinesCombination medicines, such as Zyrtec-D and Tylenol Allergy and Sinus, contain an antihistamine and a decongestant to relieve multiple symptoms.
These may help if you have a sinus headache or infection, Cohen says. “The antihistamine dries you up and the decongestant opens up airways so you can beat that stuffy nose.”
But combination pills carry more side effects because they have two active ingredients, Cohen says. So be sure you need both.
“If all you have is a stuffy nose, you might only need the decongestant,” she says. “Less is more when it comes to medication.”
Skin Creams and OintmentsAllergies can also irritate the skin and cause rashes, hives, blisters and swelling. Topical creams – Cortaid is a popular brand – can help control the itching, redness and swelling.
“Try a topical steroid creams like hydrocortisone cream – it comes in .50% and 1% strengths,” Cohen says.
Many hydrocortisone creams also contain soothing ingredients such as aloe or vitamin E, which can relieve mild to moderate itching, redness and soreness associated with bug bites, contact dermatitis, diaper rash and poison ivy rashes, she says.
Home RemediesWhat if you want a more natural approach?
Some allergy sufferers swear by sinus rinses that irrigate and moisturize your nasal passages.
“Saline rinses may actually be safer than medications because there are no side effects and you don’t have to think about how the rinse will react with other medications you’re taking,” Kinzy says.
Rinses involve a saline solution poured into your nose through a teapot-like device called a neti pot, available at most health-food stores. NeilMed is one popular kit with packets of saline powder and a neti pot.
“If you have a lot of allergies, rinse daily,” she says.
You’ll also find supplements and foods that will naturally fight allergies. Among Cohen’s recommendations:
Quercetin: This strong antihistamine is found in supplements and some foods, including capers, apples, green tea, and many red-skinned fruits and wine. Follow label directions, or take 200 to 500 mg one to three times daily, Cohen says.
Bromelain: It’s found in pineapples and dietary supplements, and is “fantastic for reducing inflammation and allergies.” Mullein tea: “The herb is known to ease respiratory disorders like bronchitis, asthma, chest congestion and allergies. It helps to thin mucus,” Cohen says. You can find it in most health-food stores. Steep it in water for five minutes before drinking, about once or twice a day. Aloe vera juice: Cohen loves this juice, which has a mild antihistamine effect, “plus dozens of other wonderful healing effects on the body. It’s also very affordable.” Her recommendation? “Lily of the Desert brand because it is certified organic and it is ‘whole leaf,’ so it has all the aloe nutrients.” Drink about 2 ounces daily, straight (it’s tasteless) or mix with other brands.
German chamomile: This is a powerful anti-inflammatory and “a wonderful essential oil to use if you have allergies,” she says. Steam your face with hot water containing a few drops of the oil.
Spirulina: The algae sparks the production of your body's natural fighter cells, "such as T cells, B cells, macrophages, and anti-cancer 'natural' killer cells,” Cohen says. “If it can regulate immune function, then allergy symptoms should alleviate too.” Prescription MedicationsIf you don’t find relief from over-the-counter drugstore products, see an allergist or your physician.
The first line of prescription defense is a nasal spray. If that’s not enough, your doctor may prescribe a prescription antihistamine, such as Allegra.Steroid Nasal SpraysNasal sprays, such as Rhinocort and Nasonex, help by reducing inflammation and congestion. Although all nasal sprays have the same mechanism, every person reacts differently to each.“Steroids are still steroids,” and they can suppress immune function (like all steroids) and should be reserved for the hardest cases,” Cohen says.
Ask your doctor for recommendations. Nasal antihistamines, such as Astelin and Patonase, may also bring relief. Over-the-counter nasal sprays are good for a quick, temporary fix, Cohen says, so you can get a good night’s sleep.
But they should only be used for three days or less, or you can get addicted to them with a condition called rhinitis medicamentosa, a sort of rebound nasal congestion. Then it’s really hard to get off, she says.
Leukotriene ModifiersThe body also produces leukotriene, a chemical that causes inflammation, during an allergic reaction. Products like Singulair block the chemical and are used to treat asthma and nasal allergy symptoms.
Asthma should never be treated with over-the-counter medications. If you have any trouble breathing or you feel like an elephant is standing on your chest, see a doctor immediately.
Steroid inhalers and bronchodilators are typically prescribed for asthma and work only if used properly.
Primatene Mist, an over-the-counter bronchodilator, should not be used to treat asthma, but it is useful for allergic emergencies.
“If someone has a really bad reaction to food or a bee sting," says internist Kinzy, "Primatene can save that person’s life while waiting for an ambulance.”
ImmunotherapyRagweed in the fall, mold in the winter and flowers in the spring and early summer – allergens exist year-round and some unlucky folks find themselves sneezing every season.
If you have severe allergies that aren’t relieved by medications, you may need shots, ultimately the most effective means of treating allergies.
They work like vaccines, teaching your immune system to tolerate the allergens.
The upshot? You don't have to sneeze your way through life. Although feeling better may require a few stabs at different treatments, you will be able to shut down your body’s waterworks.Check out our Allergies Health Center.
What’s Your Allergy IQ? Maybe you suffer from seasonal allergies. Or perhaps the bed bugs really are biting. Do you know what’s making you itch? Find out with this allergy quiz.
Check out Health Bistro, where LifeScript editors let it all hang out. Share it with your friends (it’s free to sign up!), and bookmark it so you don’t miss a single juicy post!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

热量限制 -- Eat Less, the only verified way to live longer


Thursday, May 7, 2009



Thursday, April 16, 2009







Monday, April 13, 2009


Don't Drink 'Alone'

Don't Drink 'Alone'
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Drinking alcohol can raise your blood pressure, but did you know that it’s how you drink your beer, wine or martini that can really make a difference? Drinking alcohol à la carte (without food) raises your blood pressure temporarily and can actually increase your risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure) by 40%, which also increases your risk for heart disease. Without eating something to “soak up” some of the effects of the alcohol, your blood pressure is highly altered. If you are already at risk for high blood pressure or you drink regularly, don’t drink alone. Alcoholic drinks should always be enjoyed in the company of food and should only be consumed in moderation, which means having only one or two drinks on occasion.

One drink is equivalent to 12 ounces of beer or a wine cooler, five ounces of wine, 1.5 ounce of 80-proof liquor or one ounce of 100-proof liquor. So whether you’re having a glass of merlot with your spaghetti and meatballs or drinking beer with your buffalo wings, make sure you eat as you drink to help keep your blood pressure under control.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Baby Carrots

Who loves those little mini carrots? We do! According to a USA Today report, baby carrots alone have boosted carrot sales over the last 40 years by almost 100%. And that’s no small feat, even for these miniature-sized veggies. If you haven’t developed a love for baby carrots yet, it’s about time you experienced the juicy, sweet crunch for yourself. Baby carrots make for a quick and easy snack that you can munch on anytime, anywhere (except maybe the movie theater and library). At only 35 calories per half cup of carrots and more than 300% of the RDA for vitamin A (as beta-carotene), these fiber-rich veggies are also a great diet tool. Just like eating a salad before the main course works to reduce total calorie intake from that meal, carrots can help curb your appetite to help you eat less. Get your crunch on with a handful of these wonderful baby carrots and take a tasty step closer to weight-loss success and a healthier, more satisfied you

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Your Top Heart-Health Questions - Answered

Your Top Heart-Health Questions - Answered
Thursday, April 02, 2009

Heart disease strikes men and women alike, but more women die from it. To keep your ticker healthy, you need to arm yourself with information. We answer your most crucial questions…
Only older women need to worry about heart disease, right? Wrong! It was the third leading cause of death in women 25 to 44 years old, according to 2004 statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
So, no matter what your age, it’s important to recognize symptoms and know what you can do to prevent the most common heart disease, coronary artery disease (CAD). Here are some answers to 9 frequently asked questions:
1. How do I know if I have heart disease?Unfortunately, you may not be able to tell. Heart disease goes undetected in some people.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) occurs when the blood vessels that feed the heart become inflamed.
This can thicken the arterial lining and cause plaque to form, which can then block arteries. If the blockage completely cuts off blood to an artery or arteries feeding the heart, you can have a heart attack.
The blockage can also cause intermittent loss of blood flow to the heart. Consequently, you may feel chest pain or angina – a feeling of pressure, squeezing, pain or tightness in the middle of your chest. It usually occurs with any type of exertion and stops when the exertion stops.
However, women also may have many other symptoms that indicate CAD (See question No. 6).
Even if you don’t have symptoms, you still may have heart disease. It’s even more likely if you have any of these risk factors:
High blood pressure
Elevated cholesterol
Smoking cigarettes
Family history of heart disease
Sedentary lifestyle
If you have any risk factors, get tested for CAD immediately. Even if you do not have risk factors, it is recommended that you have a baseline EKG (electrocardiogram) at age 40. Most health care providers will evaluate you with an exam, blood tests, an EKG at rest, an EKG stress test (done while exercising) and, if necessary, an imaging study such as a stress echocardiogram.
If you have any chest pain, shortness of breath, unusual difficulty exercising, fatigue, dizziness or jaw or arm discomfort that doesn’t go away, chew an aspirin (if you’re not allergic to it) and call 911. If you have the above symptoms and they go away quickly but come back, see your clinician as soon as possible.
2. I just learned I have a heart murmur. What is it and does it raise my risk of a heart attack?The term “heart murmur” refers to an extra sound that’s sometimes described as a “whooshing” or “swishing” that occurs between the two normal beats of the heart. It’s usually caused by the flow of blood in the heart.
Heart murmurs may be present at birth (congenital heart murmurs) or they develop later in life. Generally, most heart murmurs are harmless, show no symptoms and need no treatment: These are called “innocent” murmurs.
During pregnancy, for instance, some women develop a heart murmur due to the more rapid blood flow through the heart. It usually goes away after delivery.
Another cause of an innocent murmur is anemia, or low blood count, which causes a more rapid flow of blood through the heart. It, too, usually resolves once blood count becomes more normal.
Innocent heart murmurs don’t put you at increased risk for a heart attack.
Some heart murmurs can indicate an underlying heart condition, such as a diseased heart valve. These “abnormal” murmurs must be followed up with testing and possibly treatment, and if severe enough, surgery.
Abnormal murmurs may cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, extra or skipped heartbeats, dizziness, fainting, and even chest pain.
One type of abnormal heart murmur, calcific aortic stenosis, can be a tip-off that you have CAD. That’s because, like CAD, it is your body’s formation of calcified plaque on the aortic valve that causes the stenosis. The calcified plaque also leads to the narrowing of arteries, which can lead to a heart attack. This murmur occurs mostly in older people.
Of course, you don’t always know if a newly diagnosed heart murmur is innocent or abnormal, so it’s important to have it thoroughly evaluated.
3. Does taking hormone replacement therapy have an effect on heart disease?The jury is still out on this. A study by the Women’s Health Initiative reported in 2002 that women on Premarin and Provera [see below] were at increased risk of having a heart attack and stroke.
The study followed women who were on average 63 years old, had controlled cardiac risk factors – such as high blood pressure or diabetes – and were given a combination of Premarin and Provera or Premarin alone. Premarin alone didn’t increase the risk for heart attack, but it did increase the risk of stroke.
Yet when the researchers looked again at women who started hormone therapy within 10 years of the onset of menopause (between 50 to 59 years old), they found no increased risk of heart attack. In fact, the hormones may offer some protection from heart disease, but this needs further study.
The transdermal (patch) form of estrogen may be a better alternative for women who have risk factors for cardiac disease because several studies have a found the patch to be less likely to cause blood clots. Natural progesterone also is less likely to cause blood clots than the synthetic version.
Blood clots can lead to heart attacks and strokes, but are not the only cause. Most heart attacks are caused by plaque.
However, there are other side effects of hormone replacement therapy, such as an increased risk of breast cancer, so each woman reaching menopause should have her treatment tailored to her unique medical needs. Also, you shouldn’t stay on hormone replacement therapy indefinitely; stop at or before five years, because your breast cancer risk may increase the longer you are on hormone replacement.
4. Can birth control pills increase my risk of a heart attack?Birth control pills are generally safe in healthy women under the age of 35. For older women, there’s a risk of heart attack; the pill has been linked to blood clot formation. The risk is higher for women who smoke, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or are obese. And in younger women who take the pill, the risk of blood clots increases dramatically in smokers.
5. If I get occasional pains in my chest, does it mean I have a heart problem?No, many things besides heart disease can cause chest pain, including indigestion or heartburn, gallbladder problems, a lung infection, coughing, a cracked rib or even strain of the muscles in the chest wall.
Generally, chest pain differs with each disease. For instance, the pain associated with indigestion is usually a continuous burning sensation in the center of the chest. It doesn’t change with activity but may be relieved with food or antacids.
Pay attention to your chest pain so you can describe it to your health care provider. What’s the nature of the pain (sharp, squeezing, burning)? How long does it last? Does anything specific bring it on or relieve it? Does the pain move to other parts of the body?
Even though all types of chest pain don’t indicate heart disease, you still should take this symptom seriously and get checked when you first notice it. Then, hopefully, you will recognize it if it occurs again and know what to do based on your doctor’s instructions.
6. How do I know if I’m having a heart attack?There are some classic heart attack symptoms that strike men and women alike: chest squeezing or pressure (often described as an “elephant sitting on the chest”) with or without nausea, shortness of breath or sweating, and pain going down the left arm and up the neck.
Generally, men feel symptoms with chest pain; women may feel them together or alone and without chest pain. So we may think the symptom points to a problem other than a heart attack. Common women-specific symptoms include:
Overwhelming fatigue
Shortness of breath
Jaw, arm, upper back and/or abdominal discomfort
Nausea and lack of appetite
Heart flutters
If you think you’re having a heart attack, call 911. If you’re not allergic to aspirin, chew one while waiting for the ambulance. It’s much faster to call an ambulance than have someone drive you to the ER. That is why, even though we women do not like to bother anyone, CALL 911!
7. Can lifestyle and stress really bring on a heart attack?Yes, both can have a huge impact on heart disease. Many risk factors for a heart attack are under our control, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
That’s why it’s so important to exercise regularly and eat healthy (such as the Mediterranean diet). Monitor your cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure and keep them in check with diet, exercise, and (in some cases) medication. If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control. If you smoke, quit!
Many people don’t realize mood can also affect the heart. A recent study found that depressed women have a higher risk of sudden cardiac death and heart disease compared to those who aren’t depressed. Similar results were found with stressed-out or hostile women.
That is why it’s so important to address these issues with your provider and get help. To stay healthy, learn how to reduce your stress levels and manage stress that you can’t reduce.
8. Does an irregular heartbeat mean I’m at risk for a heart attack?Not necessarily. The heart normally beats regularly between 60 and 100 beats per minute. You can time your heartbeat from the pulse in your wrist or neck. Skipped or extra beats make the pulse irregular.
An irregular heartbeat has many causes, including abnormal electrolyte levels (sodium or potassium) in your blood, thyroid disease and lung disease. But CAD and diseased heart muscle after an attack can also cause irregular beats.
Many irregular beats are harmless, and, in fact, may be normal for you. But others have a serious underlying cause.
Just as with heart murmurs, have this checked out as soon as you notice the irregularity. In some cases, an irregular heartbeat will cause no symptoms and may be found by observing your pulse rate or during a physical exam.
9. If I suspect I have heart disease, what should I do?If you think you have heart disease, see your health care provider as soon as possible. If you’re having any of the symptoms mentioned in question No. 6, call 911 and chew an aspirin (only if you’re not allergic) while waiting.
Not sure if you have heart disease? Sit down right now, think about the risk factors and assess whether you have them. If you have one or more, see your doctor as soon as possible and request testing for heart disease.
If you are having intermittent symptoms, are pre-menopausal or are right at menopause – even if you have NO risk factors – request testing for heart disease from your clinician.
Remember, heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in this country, and the incidence of heart disease in women goes up dramatically after menopause.



Tuesday, April 07, 2009
It’s time you got rid of all your mealtime distractions and learned to eat alone. Don’t worry, you won’t have to abandon your friends or family to follow this diet trick. We’re talking about eliminating other forms of distraction that can lead you to overeat, like the television. Multi-tasking as you eat may sound efficient, and it really is – an efficient form of delivering extra calories that’ll end up on your thighs, that is. As unfortunate as it may seem, eating while you’re not paying attention is a quick way to pack on the pounds. TV-watching, reading or zoning out to music or an audio book while chowing down are all activites that can cause you to eat more without even realizing it. So eat alone. Turn off the television, shut the book and take out the ear plugs. Set yourself down at the table or outside in front of a beautiful sunrise or sunset and actually take the time to enjoy what you’re eating. And while you’re at it, don’t eat out of the bag or container that your food came in. Serve yourself a reasonable portion ahead of time and then put the rest away. Take your time eating and wait to serve yourself a second helping until at least 20 minutes have gone by so that your hunger signals have time to catch up. When you become more aware of what you’re eating, you also become better at practicing portion control, which can then translate into better control of your diet to help you reach your weight goals.

Chemotherapy: Drug treatment uses chemicals to kill cancer cells

Chemotherapy: Drug treatment uses chemicals to kill cancer cells

Chemotherapy: Drug treatment uses chemicals to kill cancer cells
Become informed about chemotherapy — what it is, why and how it's used, and what you can expect — so you feel more comfortable with the treatment process.By Mayo Clinic staff
Chemotherapy — the use of medications to treat cancer — has played a major role in cancer treatment for half a century. Years of testing and research have proved chemotherapy to be an effective cancer treatment. It may be your only treatment, or it may be used in combination with other treatments, such as surgery and radiation therapy.
Chemotherapy works by killing rapidly dividing cells. These cells include cancer cells, which continuously divide to form more cells, and healthy cells that also divide quickly, such as those in your bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system and hair follicles. Healthy cells usually recover shortly after chemotherapy is complete, so for example, your hair starts growing again.
Chemotherapy can serve varying goals
One of chemotherapy's main advantages is that — unlike radiation, which treats only the area of the body exposed to the radiation — chemotherapy treats the entire body. As a result, any cells that may have broken away from the original cancer are treated.
Depending on what type of cancer you have and whether it has spread, your doctor may use chemotherapy to:
Eliminate all cancer cells in your body, even when cancer is widespread
Prolong your life by controlling cancer growth and spread
Relieve symptoms and enhance your quality of life
In some cases, chemotherapy may be the only treatment you need. More often, it's used in conjunction with other treatments, such as surgery, radiation or a bone marrow transplant, to improve results. For example, you may receive:
Chemotherapy before other treatments (neoadjuvant chemotherapy). The goal of neoadjuvant therapy is to reduce the size of a tumor before surgery or radiation therapy.
Chemotherapy after other treatments (adjuvant chemotherapy). Given after surgery or radiation, the goal of adjuvant therapy is to eliminate any cancer cells that might linger in your body after earlier treatments.
How your doctor chooses a chemotherapy regimen
Chemotherapy may not be limited to a single drug. Most chemotherapy is given as a combination of drugs that work together to kill cancer cells. Combining drugs that have different actions at the cellular level may help destroy a greater number of cancer cells and might reduce the risk of your cancer developing resistance to one particular drug. Your doctor will recommend drug combinations that have been tested in people with similar conditions and have been shown to have some effect against your particular type of cancer.
What chemicals your doctor recommends is generally based on the type, stage and grade of your cancer, as well as your age, general health and your willingness to tolerate certain temporary side effects.
How chemotherapy is given
You usually receive chemotherapy in cycles, depending on your condition and which drugs are used. Cycles may include taking the drugs daily, weekly or monthly for a few months or several months, with a recovery period after each treatment. Recovery periods allow time for your body to rest and produce new, healthy cells.
Chemotherapy drugs can be taken in a number of forms. Your doctor decides what form or forms to use primarily based on what type of cancer you have and what drug or combination of drugs will best treat your cancer. Examples of different forms of chemotherapy include:
Intravenous (IV). Chemotherapy is injected into a vein, using a needle inserted through your skin. This allows rapid distribution of the chemotherapy throughout your entire body.
Oral. You swallow this form of chemotherapy as a pill.
Topical. This type of drug is applied to your skin to treat localized skin cancers.
Injection. Using a needle, your doctor injects the drug directly into a muscle, under your skin or into a cancerous area on your skin.
Chemotherapy medications, regardless of how they're given, generally travel in your bloodstream and throughout your entire body. The intravenous route is the most common, allowing chemotherapy drugs to spread quickly through your system. In cases in which your doctor wants to direct chemotherapy to a more confined area — for example, to ensure a tumor is exposed to more of the drug — he or she may insert a tube (catheter) directly into that area or into a blood vessel supplying the tumor.
Chemotherapy side effects
Because chemotherapy drugs can affect healthy cells, one of their disadvantages is that you may experience chemotherapy side effects, some temporary and some longer term. Not every drug will cause every side effect. Your doctor can tell you what to expect from the drugs you're receiving.
Temporary side effects might include:
Hair loss
Dry mouth
Mouth sores (stomatitis)
Difficult or painful swallowing (esophagitis)
Susceptibility to infection
Loss of appetite
Changes in the way food tastes
Cognitive impairment, sometimes referred to as "chemo brain"
Liver damage
Heart damage
Nerve damage
Lung damage
How long these temporary side effects last depends on what drug or combination of drugs you're taking and for how long. Most chemotherapy side effects will subside shortly after you stop your treatments. And most short-term side effects can be minimized with medication. For example, your doctor can give you medications to help relieve nausea or build up your blood counts. If side effects make you uncomfortable, tell your doctor. If you find that the side effects are more than you're willing to endure, you can change treatments.
Long-term or late chemotherapy side effectsAs people with cancer live longer after treatment, doctors are discovering that some treatments cause long-lasting side effects or side effects that become apparent long after treatment ends. These long-term side effects are rare. Before you begin treatment, discuss with your doctor what long-term effects you might experience. Some chemotherapy drugs can cause:
Organ damage, including problems with your heart, lungs and kidneys
Nerve damage
Blood in your urine (hemorrhagic cystitis)
Another cancer, including Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemia and some tumors
Your doctor can tell you what signs and symptoms to watch for after treatment. Knowing what long-term side effects to watch for can help you stay healthy after treatment.

Eat Like a Child

Whether its broccoli or pizza, you probably know that getting children to eat can sometimes be a struggle. They take a bite, squirm around as they chew, and, of course, play with their food.

If you’re lucky, they do eat a nutritious meal – but they always stop when they’ve had enough, not necessarily when their plate is clean. Getting an adult to eat, on the other hand, is rarely a problem. In fact, it’s usually the opposite scenario – we can’t stop ourselves! Is there something we can learn from how a child eats? You bet!

Children listen to the instinctual cues that their bodies send, so they stop when they’re full. You need to get in tune with these signals. If you pay close attention while you eat, you’ll notice that the pleasure you get from food tends to diminish as you continue to eat. This is a sign that your body has had enough. Listen to your body and eat just until you’re satisfied, not stuffed, and weight management will be child’s play.

Germy mouths linked to heart attacks, study finds

Germy mouths linked to heart attacks, study finds
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - People with the germiest mouths are the most likely to have heart attacks, U.S. researchers reported on Wednesday.
A study that compared heart attack victims to healthy volunteers found the heart patients had higher numbers of bacteria in their mouths, the researchers said.
Their findings add to a growing body of evidence linking oral hygiene with overall health.
Oelisoa Andriankaja and colleagues at the University at Buffalo in New York were trying to find if any particular species of bacteria might be causing heart attacks.
Their tests on 386 men and women who had suffered heart attacks and 840 people free of heart trouble showed two types -- Tannerella forsynthesis and Prevotella intermedia -- were more common among the heart attack patients.
But more striking, the people who had the most bacteria of all types in their mouths were the most likely to have had heart attacks, they told a meeting of the International Association of Dental Research in Miami.
"The message here is that even though some specific periodontal pathogens have been found to be associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, the total bacterial pathogenic burden is more important than the type of bacteria," Andriankaja, now at the University of Puerto Rico, said in a statement.
"In other words, the total number of 'bugs' is more important than one single organism."
Doctors are not sure how bacteria may be linked with heart attacks but several studies have shown associations between gum disease and heart disease. Bacteria may set off general inflammation that in turn causes blood to clot.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Medical Myths That Can Kill You

Medical Myths That Can Kill You
Monday, April 06, 2009

Some myths are harmless. But some can kill you if you don’t get the facts from a doctor. In this LifeScript exclusive, NBC News medical correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman debunks the most dangerous health misconceptions – and shares secrets that could save your life. Plus, test your women’s health IQ…
Myths can steer people toward illness, hardship and even death, says Snyderman, in her book Medical Myths That Can Kill You: And the 101 Truths That Will Save, Extend and Improve Your Life (Crown Publishers). From tetanus shots to colonoscopies, the book helps readers manage their medical destinies by disproving common beliefs that can send us to the morgue before our time.In this exclusive interview with LifeScript, Snyderman, a practicing physician and chief medical editor for NBC News, reveals the most lethal misconceptions we tend to have about our health.
She also gives us the lowdown on whether widely circulated warnings (like coloring your hair when you’re pregnant can harm the baby).

Myth 1: Doctors don’t play favorites.What’s the greatest threat to women’s lives? A lack of assertiveness with doctors and other medical personnel, Snyderman says.
As patients, we like to believe that physicians treat everyone with equal care and concern, but they don’t, Snyderman says. “There are inherent biases in health care, whether it’s racism or sexism or ageism.”Such discrimination means some groups of patients get short shrift when they most need the best care. For example, obese women often receive inadequate doses of chemotherapy because doctors discount them for being overweight, Snyderman says. The same holds true for poor women.The long-term solution? Women should see as many different physicians as possible until they find one who takes their complaints seriously and shows dedication to healing them. In the short term? Women need to speak up and insist on attention and care from doctors and nurses. “When it comes to navigating the health care system, good manners are not conducive to good health.”
For example, if you’re going to the emergency room, take someone with you, so you’ll have an advocate who can speak up for you when you’re weak or incapacitated.

Myth 2: You can skip annual checkups. Wrong! You should visit a primary care doctor every year and make sure their services and tests are tailored to your sex, age and risks based on family history. Annual tests are one reason her father is still alive, Snyderman says. Her grandfather died of colon cancer in his 60s, so at every annual checkup her father insisted on getting a sigmoidoscopy, an exam of the lower colon.
When the colonoscopy, a more accurate treatment, became available, he told his doctor he wanted one.
It revealed a cancerous mass in his intestines, which the sigmoidoscopy might have missed.
Because he demanded the colonoscopy and caught the problem early, he survived treatment and has remained healthy for the last 21 years, Snyderman says.Snyderman also stresses the importance of routine checks, such as blood pressure and urinalysis, which help detect problems before they turn into crises.
Because many of us forget to schedule yearly exams, pick a memorable date, like your birthday, to make the appointment, she says.
Click here for Women’s Medical Checklists for Every Age.

Myth 3: Adults don’t need shots. Shots are not just for kids. Some 70,000 U.S. adults die every year from causes that vaccinations could have prevented.
Many of us think that once we’ve completed the childhood series of shots for polio, measles and the like, we’re done. But we may need tetanus booster shots, human papillomavirus (HPV) injections to prevent cervical cancer, and even a vaccine against meningitis, a deadly bacterial infection of the brain that tends to strike on college campuses.If your parents dropped the ball on childhood vaccinations for diseases such as chicken pox and measles, you’re not out of danger. Talk to your doctor about getting immunized.Check out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site,, for a detailed rundown of what you need.

Myth 4: Only old people get heart disease and stroke.Heart attacks strike only elderly, paunchy middle-aged men, right? Not necessarily. Strokes, which occur when there’s a stoppage of blood flow to the brain, also can affect young people.
If you’re not a member of either of those groups, you could still be at risk. Everyone should begin heart checks at age 20, the American Heart Association says.
That’s because problems that lead to arteriosclerosis, the buildup that blocks blood flow to the heart, can start when you’re young − a possible consequence of factors such as a fat-laden diet, smoking and obesity.In fact, Snyderman attributes her own heart problem, discovered when she was in her 50s, to careless eating habits in her youth. (She’s reversed them).Women should be tested for high blood pressure, cholesterol count and body mass index (BMI). They also need to be aggressive about getting to the emergency room at the first sign of danger, Snyderman says.
Whatever your age, if you experience signs of a heart attack (pressure in the chest or pain radiating from the chest) or stroke (a sudden numbness on one side of the body), get medical help immediately.
Symptoms can differ by gender. In women, heart attacks are often preceded by jaw pain, a feeling of breathing icy air or overwhelming fatigue. Call an ambulance if you have any of these symptoms.
And never drive yourself to the E.R.
“When you arrive with sirens, you’ll get treatment faster,” Snyderman says. “Or walk right up to the desk and say, ‘I think I’m having a heart attack.’ That’s how you get past the paperwork.”
Get more answers to your top heart-health questions here.

Myth 5: Natural means safe.Two natural, plant-derived substances, Snyderman says, can end lives: tobacco and arsenic.
So what about the hundreds of holistic remedies and diet supplements − from wheat grass juice and blue-green algae to biotin capsules − that health food stores dispense? Is our faith misplaced?
There aren’t easy answers, Snyderman says, because most such products haven’t received the extensive clinical testing that prescription drugs go through before entering the market. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t require such trials for natural substances.If you decide to try natural products, take these sensible steps:
First, be frank with your conventional doctor. Tell him or her what you’re taking and how much, and who else (for example, an herbalist or homeopathic professional) has been giving you advice. “Everything you put in your mouth can affect something else you’re taking,” she says. Your conventional doctor needs to have all the information before giving you prescription drugs or anesthesia for surgical procedures.
Also, do your homework before you try any natural remedies. “It’s best to look at the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [] or the Tufts University Web site [],” Snyderman says. “And remember, medicine is a moving target. Wisdom changes.”

Debunking 6 Small MythsWe compiled a short list of medical urban legends we’d heard for years and asked Snyderman if they’re fact or folklore. Here are her answers:1. LifeScript: Is coloring your hair while pregnant really dangerous to the fetus? Snyderman: There’s never been a link between hair coloring and hurting a baby. 2. Is it true you can have one glass of wine per day while pregnant?Yes, but sip it slowly and have it with food.3. We hear a lot about people testing their “toxin load.” But do we really have to remove all toxins from our environment? Isn’t some exposure healthy?We’re all walking around with toxic things inside us, but is it worth testing? No. It’s BS. The only exceptions are if you have a child with a neurological problem or have an old house. It wouldn’t hurt to test for lead. There are simple home tests you can use for that.
4. Can talcum powder really give you ovarian cancer?An interesting question, because no one knows for sure. As doctors, we used to have talc on our gloves, and we learned to rinse it off because little deposits could show up in the [patient’s] abdominal cavity.5. Do you really have to drink water right after a massage?No. And you don’t have to drink eight glasses of water a day either. Drink when you’re thirsty.6. What do people believe that always surprises you?That dietary supplements are as good as food. You can’t replace food with supplements.Want to learn more? Get your own copy of Medical Myths That Can Kill You.
Women’s Health: How Much Do You Know?How you take care of yourself has a huge impact on your future, affecting everything from your ability to have children to your risk of heart disease. Test your smarts with this women's health quiz.
Join the behind-the-scenes conversation on Health Bistro, LifeScript’s blog.

Friday, April 3, 2009

10 Foods That Help Fight Cancer

10 Foods That Help Fight Cancer
Friday, April 03, 2009

Food does more than sustain us – it can also keep our bodies healthy. Some foods even have cancer-fighting properties. Read on for 10 items that can ward off the big “C” and how to add them to your diet. Plus, test your cancer IQ with our quiz…
Most of us know the foods that pack on pounds: burgers, ice cream, chips and more. But what you eat goes beyond whether you’ll fit into your jeans. Healthy foods also may keep cancer at bay.
“Though there’s no one food that will reduce your risk of this disease, it’s the synergy between many nutrients – vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants – that’s likely to give you the most protection,” says Colleen Doyle, M.S., R.D., director of nutrition and physical activity for the American Cancer Society.

These 10 edibles pack a powerful anti-cancer punch:
1. BerriesHow they help: Berries contain antioxidants – compounds believed to protect your cells from damage that’s been linked to cancer – and may boost your immune system, says Lisa Young, Ph.D., R.D., author of The Portion Teller (Broadway) and adjunct professor of nutrition at New York University.
They contain polyphenols, including ellagic acid and anthocyanins – antioxidants that counteract, reduce and repair damage to cells, Doyle says. Berries are also brimming with other potential cancer-fighters like vitamin C and fiber.
Cancers they may fight: Skin, bladder, lung, breast, cancer and esophageal
Get your fill: Toss blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries into yogurt, smoothies, cereal and salads or stir them into muffin or pancake recipes.

2. GrapesHow they help: A plant chemical called resveratrol, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, hides in the skin of grapes – especially purple and red ones. Studies have shown they may keep cancer cells from growing and inhibit tumors, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.
Cancers they may fight: Liver, stomach, breast and colon
Get your fill: Wash grapes, freeze them, then eat them as a sweet snack or add sliced ones into salads or cottage cheese. (Red wine contains this compound, but it’s not the best way to consume resveratrol because alcohol has been linked to higher cancer risk.)

3. TomatoesHow they help: Tomatoes get their bright red color from an antioxidant called lycopene, which can protect cells from damage and kill those that aren’t growing properly, Doyle says.
They also may protect skin from cancer “by absorbing UV light,” says Wilhelm Stahl, Ph.D., professor and antioxidant researcher at the University of Dusseldorf in Germany.
Cancers they may fight: Breast, lung, endometrial, skin, prostrate and mouth
Get your fill: Cooked or processed tomato-based foods – juice, sauce, paste, soup, even ketchup – have the most lycopene because heat releases more of this nutrient and allows your body to absorb it more easily.
Not a tomato lover? You can get lycopene in pink grapefruit and watermelon, too.

4. Cruciferous veggiesHow they help: Cruciferous veggies (think broccoli, kale and cabbage) contain potential cancer fighters such as glucosinolates, crambene and indole-3-carbinol, says the American Institute for Cancer Research. They also contain sulforaphane, which may keep cancer at bay by helping rid the body of carcinogens and inhibit the growth of cancer cells, according to research from the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N.Y.
Cancers they may fight: Stomach, breast, skin, mouth, pharynx, larynx and esophageal
Get your fill: Try broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, kale, Brussels sprouts and cabbage salad. Eat veggies raw or lightly steamed because they lose powerful phytochemicals when overcooked.

5. Garlic How it helps: Garlic contains unique antioxidant phytochemicals called allyl sulfides that “seem to intervene in several steps of the cancer process,” says Karen Collins, R.D., C.D.N., nutrition advisor to the American Institute for Cancer Research. A 2007 study in the Journal of Nutrition suggests that these compounds inhibit colon tumor formation and cell growth.
Cancers it may fight: Stomach, esophageal, breast, lung and colon
Get your fill: Sauté veggies in a clove or two of garlic or add it to homemade salad dressings, dips, pasta sauces and soups. Also, add garlic salt or powder to ground beef while making burgers or sprinkle it on pizza.

6. TeaHow it helps: Tea is chock full of antioxidants called catechins, which lab studies have found may stop growth of cancer cells and reduce the size of cancerous tumors.
Cancers it may fight: Colon, liver, breast, prostate, lung, skin, bladder, stomach and pancreatic
Get your fill: Sip hot or cold green tea instead of coffee (it has less caffeine and no calories if you go sugarless). Black tea offers benefits, but green tea has three times more catechins, according to the American Institute of Cancer Research.

7. FlaxseedHow it helps: “Flaxseed contains an antioxidant called lignans, which may help the body rid itself of carcinogens, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to reduce inflammation and boost the body’s immune system,” says Krista Haynes, R.D., a staff dietitian with the Cancer Project, a nonprofit group in Washington, D.C.
Cancers it may fight: Colon, breast, skin and lung
Get your fill: Try cooking or baking with flaxseed meal, flour and oil (all found at health food stores) or sprinkle ground flaxseed on cereal, oatmeal or salads.

8. LegumesHow they help: They may be tiny, but legumes such as peas, beans and lentils pack a big nutritional punch.
“They contain natural phytochemicals that are uniquely different from those in vegetables and whole grains,” Collins says.
These include saponins, protease inhibitors and phytica acid, which lab studies reveal may prevent the reproduction of cancer cells, as well as fiber, which can decrease your risk of colon cancer, according to a 2007 American Institute of Cancer Research report.
Cancers they may fight: Colon and stomach, among others
Get your fill: Top salads with lentils and peas, whip up lentil or pea soup, add pea pods to your stir-fry or nosh on plain old peanuts.

9. Whole grainsHow they help: People who get their fill of whole grains have a 21% to 43% lower risk of cancer than those who eat little to none, according to a study from the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota. Unlike refined grains, whole grains have the bran and germ layers, which are packed with antioxidants and other nutrients.
“They also contain fiber, which, when fermented in the colon, may produce substances that protect cells from cancer-causing agents,” Collins says.
Cancers they may fight: Breast, colon and stomach
Get your fill: Bake with whole-wheat flour and have oatmeal for breakfast. Eat sandwiches made with whole-wheat bread (“whole wheat” should be the first word on the ingredient list) and replace white rice with wild or brown.

10. Dark-green leafy vegetablesHow they help: These emerald-hued veggies contain folate and carotenoids.
“Carotenoids are antioxidants that aid cell-to-cell communication that controls cell growth, while folate is essential to protect our DNA, the starting point of any change that leads to cancer,” Collins says.
Cancers they may fight: Breast, skin, lung, stomach, mouth, pharynx and larynx
Get your fill: Add spinach to omelets and swap it for iceberg lettuce in salads (throw in romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce and Swiss chard, too). For dinner, lightly sauté mustard greens, collard greens and kale in olive oil and a squirt of lemon.
What’s Your Cancer IQ?Cell phones, makeup, bug spray, even fresh produce all have been rumored to cause cancer. But should you believe every cancer myth you hear? How much do you know about everyday cancer risks? Test your cancer knowledge with this quiz.
Join the behind-the-scenes conversation on Health Bistro, LifeScript’s blog.

Monday, March 30, 2009




大量的临床医学和研究资料证实,晚餐经常进食荤食的人比经常进食素食的人血脂要高3~4 倍。而患高血脂、高血压的人,如果晚餐经常进食荤食,等于火上加油,使病情加重或恶化。

中老年人如果长期晚餐过饱,反复刺激胰岛素大量分泌,往往造成胰岛素B 细胞负担加重,进而衰竭,诱发糖尿病。






Thursday, March 26, 2009


国际在线 2009-03-26 00:11:29

Wednesday, March 25, 2009






邵华原名张少华,父亲陈振亚原是彭德怀部属的一个连长。1937年冬天,陈振亚和张文秋结婚,当时张文秋带着一个小女儿,她就是刘思齐。 1938年秋,张文秋生下一个女孩,陈振亚给女儿取乳名“安安”,学名随母姓叫张少华(即邵华)。后来在迪化(乌鲁木齐)陈振亚和毛泽民等革命者一起被盛世才残害。不久,张文秋生下了遗腹子第三个女儿少林。  新中国成立不久,姐姐刘思齐和毛岸英结婚了,几乎每个周末都要去中南海看望父亲毛泽东。11岁的邵华总是吵着要一起去见毛主席。


1959年,邵华考进了北京大学中文系。博览群书的毛泽东非常关心她的读书情况,和她在文学上成了“论友”。在谈到曹操父子时,毛泽东说:“我喜欢曹操的诗。曹操的诗词,直抒胸臆,豁达洒脱,应当学习。比如他的《龟虽寿》、《短歌行》、《观沧海》等篇章,更是脍炙人口。”  毛泽东非常推崇李白,认为李白的诗“文采奇异,气势磅礴,有脱俗之风。”在评论白居易时,他说:《琵琶行》不但文采好,描写得逼真细腻,难得的是作家对琵琶演奏者的态度是平等的,白诗的高明处在于此而不在他。同时,毛泽东还谈到了王昌龄、陆游、辛弃疾这些人的边塞诗,并把王昌龄的《从军行》等亲笔写给在座的儿女们。  


在谈论《西游记》时,毛泽东对孙悟空不畏艰险、敢于同一切妖魔鬼怪作斗争的精神和善于识别正义和邪恶的洞察力,以及不达目的决不罢休的可贵品格和顽强毅力十分称赞。  当谈到《聊斋志异》时,毛泽东认为《小谢》是一篇好文章,反映了个性解放的强烈要求,并说《聊斋志异》中那些善良的“狐仙”要多些就好了。  


劝儿媳多读《上邪》  1960年,37岁的毛岸青和邵华在大连结婚。  谁家没有一本难念的经呢?毛泽东家也不例外。而毛岸青和邵华的婚后生活自然总有一些不如意的事情发生。再加上岸青的精神不能经受一点刺激,小夫妻之间自然而然就不可避免地发一些小脾气。  对这一切,毛泽东十分理解邵华。毛泽东于1962年5月2日离京南下,7月6日才回到北京。在接到毛岸青和邵华两人要分别给他写信的消息后,匆匆行程中的毛泽东在6月3日上午7时给邵华回了一封信——  你好!有信。拿来,想看。要好生养病,立志奔前程,女儿气要少些,加一点男儿气,为社会做一番事业,企予望之。《上邪》一篇,要多读。余不尽。  父亲  六月三日上午七时  令人奇怪的是,这封家书毛泽东没有写抬头,这也是毛泽东家书中惟一没有抬头的信件。家书中,毛泽东首先劝慰儿媳邵华“要好生养病,立志奔前程 ”,而且“女儿气要少些,加一点男儿气”,希望邵华勇敢地面对生活中、学习上暂时的困难和挫折,要有一股不服输、不怕苦和战胜困难的精神,要有“谁说女子不如男”的英雄气,只有这样才能“为社会做一番事业”,这是毛泽东所“企予望之”的。“《上邪》一篇,要多读。”七个字,笔力千钧,意味深长。  《上邪》乃汉朝民歌《饶歌》第十六曲。“邪”即“耶”。全词为:“上邪!我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝!”  这是一个女子对爱人的山盟海誓。意思是说:“苍天啊!我对你发誓,我和我的爱人相亲相爱,我们的爱情永远没有断绝的时候!只有到了山夷为平地,江水干枯,冬天雷声阵阵,夏天雨雪纷纷,天地合而为一的时候,我才敢决定与您断绝关系!”诗中列举了五种不可能出现的自然现象,来比喻女子对爱情的忠贞不渝和坚定不移。  



Saturday, March 21, 2009

You Need Some R&R

You Need Some R&R
Saturday, March 21, 2009

One of the most crucial aspects of a well-designed fitness plan is rest. Not only does it help your muscles recover from your workout, relaxation also gives your mind a much-needed break. When you relax, you turn on your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). This nervous system is the opposite of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which governs your actions during the typical week. All too often we spend most of the work week in a state of agitation, with our fight-or-flight response – a function of the SNS – in full-on battle mode. You must turn off your SNS and turn on your PNS from time to time. If you don’t, you’re headed for burnout. You’ll feel irritable and fatigued. And when you’re tired, you won’t want to exercise. So in a whacky way, allowing yourself periods of rest will actually help you stick to your workouts. You may feel guilty relaxing at first, but when such thoughts pop into your head, just use the oops technique. Say “oops” out loud, and then return to lounging in your hammock.
Your coach,Jorge Cruise
For information on Jorge's newest program and to get a free copy of his new Belly Fat Cure Report, visit