Alcohol use: Why moderation is keyBy Mayo Clinic staff
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Mayo Clinic Housecall
Alcohol use: Why moderation is key
Can alcohol benefit your health? It depends on how much you drink. By Mayo Clinic staff
You've likely heard to drink in moderation, but what does that mean? And why is moderation important?
Moderate alcohol use seems to offer some health benefits, particularly for the heart. But too much alcohol raises the stakes, putting you at risk of adverse health consequences.
Whether you drink is up to you and your doctor. But here are some points on alcohol consumption to consider.
Benefits of moderation
Moderate drinking is defined as two drinks a day if you're a male 65 and younger, or one drink a day if you're a female or a male 66 and older. A drink is defined as 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled spirits.
Moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits. It may:
Reduce your risk of developing heart disease, peripheral vascular disease and intermittent claudication
Reduce your risk of dying of a heart attack
Possibly reduce your risk of strokes, particularly ischemic strokes
Lower your risk of gallstones
Possibly reduce your risk of diabetes
Risks of excessive drinking
Though moderate alcohol use seems to have some health benefits, anything more than moderate drinking can negate any potential benefits. Be cautious because excessive alcohol consumption can lead to serious health problems, including:
Cancer of the pancreas, mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus and liver, as well as breast cancer
Pancreatitis, especially in people with high levels of triglycerides in their blood
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
他101岁还在上班 思维敏捷工作勤奋

他101岁还在上班 思维敏捷工作勤奋
倍可亲( 101岁的杰克·波顿现在每天早晨6时30分上班,每周工作40个小时。今年8月,他获得美国2009年“最老杰出工作者”称号。
尽管年事已高,但波顿仍然像年轻人一样思维敏捷。而且,他至今还没有退休的打算,因为在他看来,辛勤工作就是长寿的秘诀。 杰克·波顿是美国得克萨斯州威瑟福德市的一名律师。与众不同的是,他今年已经101岁高龄了,堪称是美国年龄最老的“上班族”。
1908年8月5日,波顿出生在威瑟福德市一个贫寒家庭。从5岁开始,他就能用一把锄头帮父亲在玉米地锄草了。 大学毕业后,波顿成了威德福地区的一名助理检察官。几年后,波顿在威瑟福德市当起了律师。
如今,波顿主要帮客户打房地产和遗嘱检验方面的官司,他不仅是得克萨斯州律师协会年龄最老的执业律师,甚至可能是全美国年龄最老的执业律师。每天早上6时30分,波顿就会准时出现在办公室。 波顿现在的生活由一位看护者来照料,但除了做饭和开车之外,几乎所有的事情都由他自己来做。他的听力很好,至今未戴助听器。
每年都要去度假 去年,波顿获得得克萨斯州年度“最老杰出工作者”称号。今年8月,波顿又荣获美国年度“最老杰出工作者”称号。尽管医生多次建议他退休,但每次都遭到拒绝。波顿称,只要身体允许,他就是坐着轮椅也要来上班。在波顿看来,辛勤工作正是他长寿的秘诀。 据悉,波顿结婚66年的妻子已先他离开人世,两人没有儿女。在他们结婚的66年中,几乎每年都要到新墨西哥州的红河胜地去度假。妻子去世后,波顿每年仍然一人孤零零地去红河胜地度假钓鱼。不过每次度假之后,他就会迫不及待地重返律师事务所上班。(阿南)
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